Let me just say, I detest liars, and even more so those liars with an agenda. Now it would seem to me that anyone with a halfway decent memory, can remember what this country, and the world for that matter, was like during the Trump years. After all, it really wasn’t that long ago. And to say that what taken place since is in any way better than the previous four years is more than disingenuous, it’s patently untrue. And yet there are those who would have us all believe such a fallacy. They continually go out of their way to convince us that despite what we have to live through every day, we’re far better off now than we were when President Trump was in office.

And it’s nearly all of these people who are always reasonably well off, financially speaking, and who have been left basically untouched by everything that *president Joey has inflicted upon the rest of us. Most, I doubt, do their own grocery shopping, few actually put gas in their own high dollar cars, if they have children you can bet your bottom dollar they are not in a public school, they likely have their own private security while they support taking away our best means of protecting ourselves and our families, and so very much more. And it’s been of late that one of the more vocal antagonists of President Trump has been Anthony Scaramucci, aka ‘The Mooch!’

Many will likely remember ‘The Mooch’ as the guy who spent 10 days as the Trump administration’s communications director. And it was past Friday that ‘The Mooch,’ joined Jake ‘Mr. Fake News,’ Tapper on CNN’s “The Lead” and it was in pretty short order that the reason for his invite became painfully clear. It was to once again offer his rather twisted opinion of President Trump, this time claim how it is the President Trump is a “very dangerous guy” who shouldn’t be anywhere near the White House. Tapper said, “You recently called Trump the most un-American presidential nominee in U.S. history. Obviously, you want Biden to win president Biden to be reelected.”

Tapper said, “What are you hearing from your fellow Republicans who also have a distaste for Trump but are having difficulties pulling the lever for Biden?” ‘he Mooch’ said, “You’ve got 40 people that work directly and in touch with Mr. Trump. You can’t say that they’re never Trumpers and all that other stuff because we were once Trumpers, but we’ve seen what he is like, the full criminality of him. We’ve seen what he’s like in terms of his destructive capabilities. And when I say he’s un-American, he says he’s un-American. He disavows the Constitution.” He added, “He wants to go after you, Jake Tapper, and CNN. He wants to take your FCC license away.”

And ‘The Mooch’ then went on to say, “He has told his lawyers, his defense counselors, many of which that have dropped him, that he’d like to use the FBI as the Gestapo, you know, and the only good thing about that is he doesn’t understand history. So he doesn’t even know what the word ‘Gestapo’ means. But this is a very dangerous guy. He shouldn’t be anywhere near that White House again. And whatever shortcomings that President Biden may or may not have, I’ll be supporting him. I’ll be working for him in the fall.” ‘The Mooch’ has reduced himself to being little more than a national joke. He has zero credibility so it’s fewer and fewer who are listening.

Clearly the guy still hasn’t gotten over the fact that President Trump fired his ass. He’s still the same sawed-off loudmouth, bullshit artist he was when he got himself kicked out of the White House 10 days after he was hired. What should we expect to hear from this lying duplicitous little douche bag. The little piece of shit supported Hitlery and ‘BO’ and RINO Romney. If it’s anyone who should never have been allowed anywhere near the White House, it’s ‘The Mooch!” This type of fear mongering would only work if President Trump hadn’t already been elected. Since he has, it’s just more lies. It is sad seeing just how desperate this irrelevant little hack is for attention.

And you know, you’d think those on the left, and their uniparty helpers on the right would learn their lesson. Everything they’ve done, every single thing, has led to President Trump’s poll numbers rising more and more. Everything they do boomerangs back and impacts them right in the face. So a person with a normal brain and concept of pain would take a step back, reevaluate, and change tactics. But they don’t do that. They just double, triple and quadruple down and keep stepping on that rake, watching the handle snap up and slam them in the face, again, and again, and again. And their complete failure is absolutely hilarious and yet the madness continues.  

Like I said, any normal person would change tactics, alter what they’re doing when they see the rake handle coming back up for a second time. But they can’t. The communist left and their commie sympathizer helpers in the elite right hate Trump so much that they have blinded themselves to their buffoonery. It’s like watching a pack of clowns hit each other in the face with pies over and over again and expecting a different result each time they lob another one. The swamp critters are terrified of President Trump. And thus we have all the more reason to support him in retaking the White House. All the anti-Trump crazies read from the very same script?

And even more hilarious is how those on the left have, despite their best efforts to ‘get Trump,’ failed so spectacularly. They essentially control 90 percent of news media, large chunks of the government, both out in front and behind the curtain, most of social media and most corporations, and still they can’t push their desire over the finish line without angering more and more people. They’re losing support among Latino’s, blacks and now younger voters, and suburban women are now tied between the left and right. President Trump is likely to win simply because the left is so amazingly, terribly evil and that a majority of the country simply can’t stand them.

And the best part is that a Trump victory won’t make the left change. Nope, they’ll do what they always do, they’ll double down on the insanity. They will move even further to the ‘dark side,’ they will grow even more evil and become more hate filled for no other reason than because they lost. And by doing that they will assure themselves even more losses and the shift in voting blocs that is already happening due to the political realignment in the nation that has been speeding up over the last ten years or so will move even faster. Normal people would use their brain and think. But to the left that take just looks so tantalizing they can’t help themselves.

By all means, vote for Joey. After all, who the Hell needs the peace and prosperity that President Trump brought before the dreaded plandemic. Even during the plandemic, unemployment was low, inflation was low, and the world was far more peaceful than it is today. ‘The Mooch’ again has revealed himself as being nothing more than a political perennial mental midget. To say he would vote for Joey tells us all we need to know about this guy. All these NeverTrumpers have one thing in common. President Trump saw through them and didn’t give them a cabinet position or make them a tsar. It’s shameful. Give me power or I’ll come out against you.

Finally, the problem these liars have is that President Trump was anything but dangerous in his first term, and Joey has been nothing but a danger since his first day in office. President Trump’s very presence separates the wheat from the chaff. Never before have I seen a man so capably and so thoroughly induce Evil to out itself. It’s almost Biblical. But with as much corruption and censorship as we’ve seen, I’m not sure even President Trump will be strong enough. We need the strongest form of disinfectant unleashed on the Deep State and we need a solid decade of it to ensure this cancer is completely eradicated and never again allowed anywhere near the controls again.


I think we can all agree that there are only two things at which the Democrats accel, thoroughly fucking things up before then making excuses for all the collateral damage caused by those things that they have so thoroughly fucked up. And one of the more proficient of the excuse makers on the left would be none other than he whose only claim to fame was in getting ‘Slick Willy’ Clinton elected back in 1992, James Carville. But then, even then he got some help from a third party candidate, but we won’t go into that, what’s done is done. It’s ancient history. What’s going on in the present is far more important, because our country is now hanging by a thread.

In getting back to those excuses I mentioned, this time around it was during an appearance this past on Thursday’s broadcast of NewsNation’s “Cuomo,” that Carville was out practicing his craft and he stated that *president Joe Biden “listened to these idiot left-wingers when he got into office” on the border and fell behind on the issue, and went on to add that Joey can still salvage the issue. And it was host, and former CNN hack, Chris Cuomo who asked, “What do you make of Biden’s two-pronged pivot on immigration and why it took him so long? He’s got the executive action he’s doing. … The numbers are in the toilet. … Is it too little too late?”

Carville answered, “I don’t think so. I think he’d like — he listened to these idiot left-wingers when he got into office and got a little bit behind the 8 ball here. But there was a piece by my friend, Rep. Colin Allred (D-TX), the Democratic nominee for Senate, with a Republican businessman [that] is echoing what President Clinton said, let these people work. They’re in here. They’re waiting for asylum hearings. They’re waiting for this. Let’s put them to work. And I think Colin is exactly right. … We have these migrants, they’re here, we’re waiting to figure out what to do with them, but let’s let them be employed. Let’s put them in — let’s put them to work.”

Gee, thanks for enlightening us, genius. To those of us with a brain it’s been obvious for the last three and a half years now that the Bernie Sanders wing of the Communist, oops, Democrat Party has been calling the shots. And it seems only to be dawning on this boob now? And you can bet that Carville will be among those claiming how heartless it is to send them all back. After all, who will do all the work? So we might as well let them stay, and as long as they’re here they might as well get Obama Care, a free education, Social Security, and oh yeah, they should also get to vote. How Democrats’ approach any issue is determined by how it can benefit their party.

And can we assume that Carville must be having problems will illegals right there in his own neighborhood? The only time Democrats ever get upset is when they’ve been forced to contend with the consequences of their own policies. And isn’t Carville one of those same idiot left wingers? So what’s he babbling about? Just sayin’! Carville can blame “these idiot left-wingers” all he wants, but it was Joey who opened the borders to “fundamentally transform” America. He openly applauded the fact that whites will become a minority in the land that they created just a few generations ago, all to ensure the creation of millions of brand spanking new Democrat voters.

Joey “listened to these left-wingers?” Really? Joey is nothing more than a piece of furniture. Clearly the deep state elites want to control America and they can only do that with Democrats in control of Washington. And what better way to accomplish just that than to flood the country with future Democrat voters. Joey is a puppet of these radical left-wingers, he owes them and is owned by them. We in America, as well as those in the world, are paying the price for what was clearly a fraudulent election. I know Carville can’t think about anything that isn’t politics, otherwise he would be totally independent, but surely even he must know that Joey is ‘BO’s puppet.

And, I am curious, just who is it that Carville lumps under the heading of “idiot left-wingers?” Might that be old ‘BO’ himself, or perhaps every Democrat member of Congress, various Democrat governors? Who? Because it was all of them that were cheering Joey on when he brought to an end all of those policies that had been so successful in stemming the flood of illegal immigrants into this country because they had been put in place by President Trump. So his claim seems to ring more than a bit hollow. He’s another rotten left-wing kook with an insane ego. That’s likely why he has continued to be a go-to guy for so many in the ‘fake news’ media.

Finally, we all know the Democrats play the long game and on the subject of illegal immigration that long game has been going since 1965 when Lyndon Johnson signed into law The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, also known as the Hart–Celler Act and more recently as the 1965 Immigration Act. Clearly the goal has been to allow into this country as many illegals as possible so when the time comes Democrats gain complete power they can give citizenship to all those here illegally, and then its game over. The only chance we have to re-elect President Trump and begin work to deport as many as we can despite the fact that Democrats will likely try to tie them up in courts for years.


I can’t help but wonder just how much one has to hate this country, and perhaps even themselves, to vote Democrat and to want to repeat, for the next four years, what will have taken place in this country, and the world, for the last four. And while those who comprise the Democrat Party, whether they be politicians, members of the ‘fake news’ media or just some party hack, may deny that they hate this country and want only for it to be all that it can be. But their actions speak far louder than do their words. Because if they truly did love this country as much as they claim, why is it that they so vehemently oppose putting “America First” and hate those who wish to do so?

Nope, they would rather vote to keep America on the path it is presently on and headed in the direction in which our current, and fraudulent, *president has it headed. Because that is what would prove to be best for all Americans, or so they claim. And we’re all expected to ignore all that we are witnessing taking place right before our eyes and believe that it is all just some weird figment of our imagination. That gas prices really are not twice as high as they were just 40 months ago, that the price of food hasn’t significantly increased during that same period of time, that our country hasn’t been flooded with illegal immigrants and so very much more!

This is the insanity that we are now told to accept, that we are just so much more better off than we actually think we are. How we’re so much better off than we were when that other guy was in office. You know, the guy under whom we were paying under two dollars for a gallon of gas, the under whom you didn’t get sticker shock every time you went to the grocery store, the guy under whom the southern border was more secure than it had been in decades, the guy under whom there was relative peace throughout the world, you know…THAT GUY!!! It’s amazing just how stupid these people think we are that they would expect us to believe anything they say.

And we see this shit every day, most recently from old Joey himself, during an interview he did with the ‘Communist News Network,’ aka CNN. You see, it was during Wednesday’s broadcast of “OutFront” that *president Joey made a rather bold, yet blatantly false, statement when he said, “[N]o president’s had the run we’ve had in terms of creating jobs and bringing down inflation. It was 9% when I came into office, 9%. But it — look, people have a right to be concerned, ordinary people. The idea that you bounce a check and you get a $30 fee for bouncing the check, I changed that, you can’t charge more than 8 bucks for that or your credit card, your late payment, $35.”

And he went on to say, “There’s corporate greed going on out there, and it’s got to be dealt with.” And it was earlier that he had stated that “the combination of the inflation, the cost of inflation, all those things, that’s really worrisome to people, with good reason. That’s why I’m working very hard to bring the cost of rentals down, to increase the number of homes that are available.” Joey seems to forget, or simply chooses to ignore, the fact that the Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation reading for January 2021, when Joey was sworn in, and in December of 2020 the month before, were both 1.4 percent. He seems to think he can say anything, and we’ll believe him.

And in another portion of the same interview host, and resident bimbo, Erin Burnett asked Joey, “I want to ask you about something happening as we sit here and speak, and that, of course, is Israel is striking Rafah. I know that you have paused, Mr. President, shipments of 2,000-pound U.S. bombs to Israel due to concern that they could be used in any offensive on Rafah. Have those bombs, those powerful 2,000-pound bombs, been used to kill civilians in Gaza?” Joey responded, “Civilians have been killed in Gaza as a consequence of those bombs and other ways in which they go after population centers.” These people brought this upon themselves!!!

And he went on to say, “And I made it clear that, if they go into Rafah, they haven’t gone into Rafah yet, if they go into Rafah, I’m not going to supply them the weapons that have been used historically to deal with Rafah, to deal with the cities, to deal with that problem. We’re going to continue to make sure Israel is secure in terms of the Iron Dome and their ability to respond to attacks like what came out of the Middle East recently. But it’s just wrong, we’re not going to supply the weapons and the artillery shells that are used, that have been used –,” Burnett then cut in to ask, “Artillery shells as well?” And Joey answered, “Yeah, artillery shells.”

Burnett then asked, “So, just to understand what they’re doing right now in Rafah, is that not going into Rafah, as you define it?” Joey answered, “No. They haven’t gone into the population centers. What they did is right on the border, and it’s causing problems with, right now, in terms of Egypt, which I’ve worked very hard to make sure we have a relationship [with] and help. But I’ve made it clear to Bibi and the War Cabinet, they’re not going to get our support if, in fact, they go into these population centers.” The expansion to include artillery shells goes beyond the pause in bomb shipments and comes on the heels of Joey signing a bill to increase aid to Israel.

Something we’ve learned the hard way is that stolen elections have consequences and what we’ve been forced to contend with for the last 40, or so, months make up those consequences. And it’s anyone who wants things to continue in the way they are that is clearly certifiable. Everything that comes out of this guy’s mouth is a lie, and rarely is he ever actually called out by anyone in our supposed ‘news’ media. Joey’s entire life has been a lie. He hasn’t done one thing right during his half century in politics and yet that seems to bother him not in the least. But it bothers the rest of us. We are sick and tired of his stupid decisions that only serve to hurt all Americans.

And with all the hundreds of thousands of jobs he claims to have created, why is it that inner city unemployment is at 17 percent and black underemployment is at 27 percent? Why do groceries cost 22 percent more this quarter than last quarter? Why are mortgage rates at 9 percent? Why is national debt nearly $35 trillion dollars and the deficit $1.9 trillion dollars? Why is gas well above three dollars a gallon? Why have public utilities (water and electric) 26 percent more than when Trump was president? Why are there legions of panhandlers on nearly every major street intersection? And yet Joey expects people to believe his idiotic claims and to vote for him?

Joe, as well as the Democrat Party as a whole, depends upon people being gullible and not bothering to fact-check all of their lies. And if there is one thing that history shows us, it’s that there are plenty of gullible people in this country. If it weren’t for him, gasoline would be over three dollars a gallon, people would be streaming across the border unchecked, there would be multiple wars raging in the world, China would be threatening Taiwan, people would be dying from drug use, people would be living in the streets, universities would be in turmoil with uneducated students rioting, and who knows what else. Oh wait, this is all Joey’s fault! The Great Uniter? Not hardly!

And on the subject of Israel, it pains me to say it, but with Joey’s blatant betrayal why would any country want to be an ally of America. It’s an election year and Joey seems quite willing to sacrifice the entire Jewish nation if it makes it easier for him to get re-selected. The Democrat Party represents the greatest threat this country has ever faced in its entire history. After all, right now when we have such a clown representing us to the world claiming that it’s the U.S. who will decide how you are permitted to deal with those who want to kill you! At this point who would blame Israel if they were to start buying weapons and munitions from Russia or even China?

So, no aid to our one and only ally in all of the Middle East fighting for its very life against what is nothing more than an evil cult in exchange for a few electoral votes in Michigan. Is that making sense to anyone, anyone at all who is not a rabid Democrat? And instead of chastising Israel why isn’t the supposed leader of the free world demanding that the hostages be released, or the U.S. will make sure that Israel has the means to erase them from the face of the planet. And for all those Jews who voted for Joey, and will likely do so again, I’m curious about something, how are you even able to sleep at night. I mean, are you Jewish out of convenience or what?

And finally, Joey is protecting Hamas for the same reason that he has allowed Iran to flourish, it is the Obama Doctrine of shifting power away from Israel and Saudi Arabia in the region, and towards Iran as a balance of power. Joey, and his administration, are merely sitting on the fence. And why? That would be because they are worried about political appearance and possible repercussions. That’s not being a leader. Joey is treacherous and wholly unworthy of the office of the *president. Everything this senile old fool touches, turns to shit. And if we, as a people, are actually stupid enough to allow another four years of this nonsense we will lose our country.


So riddle me this, at a time when we are all paying more than twice what we were paying for a gallon of gas just four years ago, are contending with the highest rate of inflation in over 40 years, are sitting on the brink of World War III, have a southern border that is essentially wide open and so very much more, how is it that we have those in this country who actually believe, or have allowed themselves to be convinced, that abortion trumps all other more important issues. It’s as if Democrats believe that all of these issues would somehow magically resolve themselves if only we grant to women the right to murder their baby up to the moment of birth.

As I have said before, abortion is not a federal issue, and for the very simple reason that abortion appears nowhere in the Constitution. It’s a matter to be handled by individual states. Any federal legislation, be it pro-life or pro-abortion, is simply unconstitutional. Desperate Democrats who are fearmongering and catering to single-issue voters, those voters who think that killing babies is far more important than secure borders, quelling the old diseases that are new again, getting violent crime under control and being able to sustain a reasonable standard of living or ensuring that we do not turn into some third world dictatorship. It’s simply ludicrous!!!

One of the more vocal fearmongers is Hitlery. And it’s according to Hitlery that if President Trump is reelected, “all” women would “live in a state where abortion” was restricted or banned which, of course, we all know is just another lie told by this old hag. President Trump revealed his stance on abortion in a video posted to Truth Social on April 8. And in his video, President Trump said the topic of abortion is “about the will of the people,” adding that people should follow their hearts, religion, or faith when it comes to the issue. But as we all know the Democrats are not at all concerned about “the will of the people.” After all, what do “the people” know? 

Despite President Trump revealing his stance on abortion, Hitlery has previously tried to argue that if Trump is re-elected as president, he will implement abortion bans and restrictions. And it was the day after he released his video that the old girl was out saying, “A good way to gauge what Donald Trump will do on abortion rights is to look at what he’s already done.” And she went onto add, “What he’s done is make possible the worst abortion bans in 50 years, and brag about it.” Hitlery knows how easily some people can be manipulated by greed and hate, even the most educated. Heck, sometimes it is easier to fool the overly educated than it is the less educated.

It was in June of 2022 that the Supreme Court arrived at the appropriate decision on Roe versus Wade in returning the issue of abortion back down to state lawmakers and voters. While President Trump was already out of office at that point, as president he had appointed Supreme Court Justices Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett. States such as Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina have since implemented a six-week ban on abortion. Nine states in the southern region have passed almost near-total bans on abortion. In Arizona, Democrat Gov. Katie Hobbs recently repealed an 1864 abortion law that had banned almost all abortions in the state.

And yet despite all of this, Hitlery claimed in a post on X, in which she shared an image of a map of the United States that showed which states have banned or placed restrictions on abortions, that under a second Trump presidency “all” women would be living in a state with abortion bans or restrictions. She wrote, “Right now, one in three American women live in a state where abortion is restricted or outright banned.” And added, “If Trump wins office again, it’ll be all of us.” Blah, blah, blah. This is simply more of the same from this pathetic old harpy, who doesn’t give a crap about the country and, if we’re being honest, doesn’t give a crap about women.

Yes, by all means, should President Trump be re-re-elected the Moon and Sun will stop shining, the Earth will start spinning in the opposite direction and high tides will flood only the blue states. It’s just so fucking amazing!!! Notice that Hitlery doesn’t apply that same line of reasoning to the argument that President Trump will “be a dictator” and “never leave office.” If he was going to refuse to leave the presidency, wouldn’t he still be there from the first time he ran and won. On the other hand, we know that if *president Biden is re-elected, children will be sexually mutilated, men will play in women’s sports, and porno books will pushed into elementary schools.

You can always count on Hitlery to hate the life of others. She and her throngs are dedicated to the eugenic practices of abortion, assisted suicide, and the democidal policies of the left. Much of the ongoing strife in the Middle East, Ukraine, and elsewhere are the direct result of the numerous foreign policy blunders both during her husband’s administration and when she served as one of our worst Secretaries of State during ‘BO’s administration. Everywhere she as ever gone she has left a trail of death, destruction, and dislocation behind her. It’s really the only thing she has really ever been any good at. And she still thinks people wanna hear what she has to say.

It’s all up to the woman. A woman has total control of the situation, the part played by the man  in creating this new life means absolutely NOTHING. Nothing under the law, nothing under authority, nothing at all. Democrats act as if all women become pregnant like the Virgin Mary. There is no such thing as a ‘man’ being involved or needed. Only women have children, so says those like Hitlery. Men just have temporary visitation of children so long as the mother permits it. And are there REALLY still people who take this woman at her word? I remember the whole circus which commenced when she lost but I thought she’d been cast out for good.

Is she just still clinging to the hope she’ll be some kind of eleventh-hour surprise replacement for Joey? The next time one of her predictions comes true will be the first. You don’t need to keep track, she’s been wrong every time so far. Once again Hitlery is playing to the fools. We all know that President Trump will not touch the abortion issue. He accepted the Supreme court decision that took it out of the hands of the federal government and gave it to the states where it has always rightfully belonged. Hitlery knows this but is counting on her useful idiots to get bent on it, ignorant idiots too lazy and incompetent to actually research it. As usual.

And why not say that President Trump is going to bring back Prohibition? Or allow driving only on weekdays? Or that one can buy only certain foods on certain days? Their claims have now gotten that ridiculous. These people’s fear mongering is getting pretty old. It’s hard to believe there’s still an audience for it. We can likely thank our public school system for that, that and our supposed institutions of higher learning who simply finish the job started in our K-12 public schools. And if Joey and Democrats are re-elected, abortion will then become mandatory in the United States. And the country will continue down the road to ruin, make no mistake.

Every four years the world’s greatest liars show up claiming to have knowledge of events that are going to happen if someone they dislike happens to win. And they can always count on being provided with a platform from which the able to spew their idiotic nonsense because such is the state of modern ‘journalism.’ We no longer have bona fide ‘journalists,’ all we have are political activists who simply call themselves ‘journalists’ and who expect to be taken seriously. Hitlery is a pathological liar, a cancerous chancre who, far from being someone to be listened to, should be shunned until she brings herself to wander off into the wilderness never to be seen again.


You would think, as crazy as things appear to have gotten, that common sense would have kicked in by now and more people would begin to realize that those in public office and who run under the Democrat banner have become unhinged to the point where they have become more of a threat to this country than the savoir of it. And their bizarre behavior would be funny if it weren’t for the fact that these people have now successfully wormed their way into powerful positions. Which instead of bringing a touch of humor had made everything pretty frightening. And just how is it that one can look at what’s going on in this country and seem to want even more of it.

And yet people continue to vote for those whose primary objective seems to be the destruction of this country. Which, of course, brings me to none other than ‘Mad Maxine’ Waters, Democrat from the People’s Republic of California.’ You see, it was this past Sunday during an appearance on this week’s broadcast of MSDNC’s “The Sunday Show” that ‘Mad Maxine’ was calling on the Department of Justice (DOJ) to investigate “right-wing organizations” who supported President Trump “training up in the hill” for a civil war. So once again we have another Democrat reading from the same old script, but it’s an effective deflection from the shrieking mobs on campus.

Waters said, “You cannot trust anything that Donald Trump has to say no matter if he loses he is going to say it was fraud. He still has not accepted what happened in the last presidential election. We have to be very concerned about a former president of the United States talking about attacking his own country, talking about perhaps a bloodbath, talking about perhaps there is going to be trouble. He said it in so many different ways we should take him seriously. This man does not believe in the Constitution. He wants to be a dictator. This is a dangerous human being. We have to know what our country is going to do to protect us from him.”

She continued, “I will tell you what I’m gong to do. I’m going to ask the Justice Department and I am going to ask the president to tell us what they are going to do to protect this country against violence if he loses. I want to know about all of those right-wing organizations that he is connected with who are training up in the hills somewhere and targeting, you know, what communities they are going to attack. We need to know now, given he is telling us there is going to be violence if he loses, we need to know what his plan is and how we are going to be protected.”  Look around you, which side is it that practices violence when their guy loses. It ain’t the right!!!

Waters added, “We know that there are people aligned who are with him who follow him who are already practicing what their government is going to be under Trump. Not only are they planning on a civil war if they have to do that, but he is spelling it out specifically how and what they are going to do and how he is going to get revenge, how he is going to attack his enemies, all of these things. When he talks about race, we know, and I’m going to tell you again today, Donald Trump is a pure racist. I am worried that the attack is going to be on people of color.” More racist, incendiary rhetoric from yet another do-nothing hack of a Democrat politician.

We can always gauge the proximity to the next election by the intensity of the rhetoric coming from the left and the level of insanity exhibited by those spewing said incendiary rhetoric. But more to the point, what is the DOJ doing to prepare for the violence that will happen when President Trump is re-elected President of these United States? We know that it’s coming as we have past experience to provide future guidance for what is likely to be expected. Democrats always accuse the opposition of doing what they are guilty of doing themselves. So, I think we should take notice when this loudmouth starts shouting about how we are training for war.

‘Mad Maxine’ is a political hack and racist who has done absolutely nothing for her district during the decades she has represented these unfortunate people who live there, and yet those morons have continued to re-elect her. Bizarre! And it’s yet again that the nut jobs in the Democrat Party are NEVER held to the same standard of incitement as those of the supposed right wing continue to be. Only in America could someone as evil as ‘Mad Maxine’ come to possess any amount of political power, and the sad thing is that the people who voted for her have to be even dumber than she is. Which is really a pretty remarkable thing when you stop to think about it.

And please explain to me how any reasonably intelligent person can listen to such garbage and still think that it’s conservatives who are the fascists? Waters is nothing less than raving fucking lunatic. What did President Trump ever do that was racist? It’s none of these loons who ever seem to mention anything specific, they just make sweeping statements. Maxine never disappoints for saying outlandish things. Meanwhile, and for decades now, she and her Democrat pals have been wreaking all manner of havoc on this country. But for some reason we’re not allowed to talk about that. And if you dare speak of it suddenly you become the threat to “democracy!!”

Anyone who doesn’t see how severely insane ‘Mad Maxine’ is, has no cognitive awareness! As if anyone needs to be reminded regarding the toxic behavior of this kook, this is far from being the first time she has let fly with all manner of political fiction aimed at those of us who dare to support President Trump. She has done this before, she’s fomented false and inflammatory demands to address her adversaries who were simply eating in a restaurant, and now it’s false rumors of her enemies plotting a civil war! It’s she and those like her who need to be constantly monitored by the authorities! Not that that is likely to happen anytime soon.

And if there is a Second Civil War, the honest historians will write that it was caused by: 1) a Democrat insurrection and election interference during President Trump’s first term, 2) Democrat support for BLM riots and anti-police and pro-crime policies, 3) Democrats opening the southern border to the largest illegal invasion in history, 4) Democrats spending causing the bankruptcy of the U.S., 5) Democrats creating laws designed to penalize law abiding citizens for gun ownership and free speech, 6) Democrats support for terrorist groups and enemies of the U.S. and, 7) Democrat 2024 election interference to rig an election by using fraudulent voting schemes.

So once again we have a high-profile Democrat making all manner of inflammatory statements and go completely unchallenged by a supposed ‘journalist.’ Instead, they will likely start questioning Republicans, saying, “sources say right wing militias are planning an insurrection like January 6th.” They never challenge Democrats on any of the lies they spew. What’s scary is that this was probably prompted by the current administration and is part of the plan in an attempt to try to control conservative patriots. I have no doubt we will see the DOJ will soon begin in-depth investigations of anyone who dares to make it known that they support President Trump.

Oddly enough it would seem that simply by being a Democrat makes one immune from what President Trump has been, and continues to be, made to endure. Why else has ‘Mad Maxine’s’ incendiary accusations been ignored when she openly advocated for insurrection against a duly elected U.S. President and his administration and personally participated in the subversive, seditious, insurrectionist, treasonous coup attempt to overthrow the results of the 2016 presidential election? Shouldn’t she be prosecuted for the crimes she has committed? Apparently not, she has a permanent ‘get out of jail free’ card courtesy of her membership in the Democrat Party.

And, of course, she doesn’t give any evidence whatsoever to back up her lunatic claim, nor is she asked to. That’s not how the game is be played, no actual evidence is ever actually needed, the accusations will suffice. But when was the last time a right-wing organization did anything violent? And don’t say January 6!!! That was tame by comparison to the entire summer of 2020 when Democrat supported groups carried out protests that were “mostly peaceful,” but that ended up with half the country being torched!  Why is she not calling on the DOJ to investigate the violent left-wing groups? Oops, can’t have them going after your own, how would that look?

In his entire life, there is zero evidence that Donald Trump has ever been a racist. On the contrary, there is, however ample evidence that Waters is, and that black people are, some of the dumbest people on earth, if they believe her. And if we’re being honest, contrary to the many claims made by those like ‘Mad Maxine,’ no one kills more blacks than blacks themselves, and that, my friends is a ‘solid gold fact.’ From the womb to the grave, nothing is more deadly to the black community, than the black community itself. It is 32 percent of black pregnancies end in abortion and it’s 95 percent of blacks who are murdered in this country are murdered by fellow blacks.

It’s an election year for the ‘plantation party’ and they are running out of ways to prevent President Trump from being the Republican nominee. So what are they to do but to send out a worthless piece of shit like Waters to do the party’s bidding. Joey & Co. are in panic mode since their out-of-control Democrat youths have now turned pro terrorist. Add to that the fact that Democrats knowingly and deliberately celebrate the butchering of live human infants referring to it as “women’s healthcare.” And let’s not forget that Democrats are the party of slavery, Civil War, the Ku Klux Klan, Jim Crow, segregation, poverty, drugs and human trafficking.

Finally, this is simply more ranting from a leftwing loon. ‘Mad Maxine’ has not been in touch with reality for decades, if ever. Yes, there could be a civil war, but it is not the conservative right that is trying to destroy the country. It is the lunatic left that wants to destroy this country by destroying the rule of law including the Constitution, and they, the left, are working hard every day to do just that. She has a long history of fomenting violence against her political enemies and is again doing exactly what she accuses them of doing. Funny how Democrats are pulling out the same old play book they used in 1859, when Republicans were talking about doing away with slavery.


I don’t suppose that it comes as much of a surprise, to anyone with a brain, that the same party that seems so preoccupied with ensuring that a woman has the right to murder her offspring right up to the moment of birth, and in some instances ever after, would also to be the very same party that can’t quite bring itself to be all that concerned when it comes to addressing the truly important issues that impact every single American, every single day. But rather than address any of those issues Democrats seek to focus on an issue that actually improves no one’s life, one way or another, and that actually ends a life before that life has even begun.

And it was one of those Democrats, Senator Mark Kelly, who, this past Sunday, during an appearance on NBC’s “Meet the Press” boldly declared that he supported eliminating the filibuster for the specific reason of codifying abortion rights. So, here we have a leftwing creep who has essentially remained silent his entire term on the truly important issues, of which there are many, choosing, instead, to spew nothing more than absolute drivel on the importance of a mother being able to murder her baby. This is nothing more reprehensible. If Democrats are this focused on abortion, then they are fully aware that they are losing on the issues that actually matter.

And it was the show’s host, and NBC resident bimbo, Kristen Welker who said, “Let’s talk about what’s happening in your state, Arizona, is now effectively ground zero for the national fight over abortion rights. This week, the state legislature voted to repeal Arizona’s ban that went all the way back to 1864. Do you think the repeal minimizes the urgency that some voters will feel to get out and vote for Democrats?” Kelly said, “I think women in Arizona have been through a really tough time. It all goes back to Donald Trump’s election and what he said he wants to do to Roe v. Wade. Women in the state of Arizona don’t have the rights they had.”

Kelly went on to say, “Women can not get the health care they need in this state right now. We have an opportunity in November to sort of fix this at the state level with a ballot initiative. What we really need is national legislation to codify a woman’s right to make these decisions. That’s only going to happen if Joe Biden is elected president.”  Welker asked, “Would you support getting rid of the filibuster to support abortion rights to codify Roe v. Wade into law? Kelly said, “Yes.” Welker said, “You would?” Kelly said, “Yeah, I would. When we were looking at voting rights legislation, I voted for that as well. I spent 15 years at NASA flying the space shuttle.”

Kelly said, “If NASA had the rules of the United States Senate had, the rocket ship would never leave the launch pad. At the appropriate time, this is one of them, I would consider changing the rules to make sure that women can get the health care they need.” I’m curious, what part of being able to murder one’s baby has anything to do with healthcare, do Democrats not understand? I’m so sick of the fallacy of this argument that by killing the unborn they are somehow receiving “healthcare!” They are not! What is taking place here is nothing more than the ending of a human life because it would be an inconvenience to allow that life to continue.

I think we all know why the ‘right’ to kill babies remains so important to Democrats. For one thing it provides them with an issue that they can use as a distraction from the mess they’ve made of everything else. And two, despite any claims to the contrary, it’s Democrats who are racist, and 30 percent of babies who are aborted are Black, even though less than 13 percent of the population is Black. Democrats are pandering to their base, who vote Democrat 90 percent of the time and who, instead of taking the proper precautions, simply choose getting an abortion. Ironically, Democrats are terminating future voters, but their hidden racism justifies it for them.

Abortion is not a federal issue, as abortion does not appear anywhere in the Constitution. It is a matter to be handled by individual states. Any federal legislation, be it pro-life or pro-abortion, is simply unconstitutional. And if this creep Kelly was half as smart as he seems to think he is, he would most certainly know that. The federal government has no say over abortion unless, and/or until, there is a Constitutional amendment. But then, when it comes to our Constitution, Democrats view it more as a set of guidelines, or suggestions, than as something must actually be adhered to. They see themselves as being able to simply ignore it.

Kelly, like every other Democrat, actually believes that the wishes of half the country should simply be ignored because…wait for it…THEY’RE right! This is why we have states’ rights. If the people and/or the legislature of any given state think that abortion should be illegal in that state, they can choose to make it illegal. Likewise, if the same people think that abortion should be legal in that state, they can make it legal. This means that if a pregnant woman who lives in a state in which abortion is illegal decides to have an abortion, she just has travel to one of the 21 states in which abortion is legal to have the procedure done. So what’s the problem?

These desperate Democrats who are fear-mongering and catering to the single-issue voters, those voters who think that killing babies is more important than secure borders, quelling the old diseases that are new again, getting violent crime under control and being able to sustain a reasonable standard of living or ensuring that we do not turn into some third world dictatorship, have a special place awaiting them in Hell when their time on this Earth finally comes to an end. If they weren’t Godless Democrats (but I repeat myself), they might stop and think about that. It’s sad that people vote for Democrats who promote the murdering of innocent souls.

So, do these people not understand that the Supreme Court correctly returned the decision on abortion to the States? Any law they pass ‘codifying’ Roe is already, by definition, moot. The courts have already said it’s unconstitutional for the federal government to wade into abortion. Nothing in the Constitution gives them that power and the Tenth Amendment reserves it for the States. The ONLY legal way to ‘codify’ Roe would be to amend the Constitution, and I seriously doubt that they will ever get the required two-thirds supermajorities in both houses of Congress and then get three-quarters of the States to ratify what would be carte blanche infanticide.

Our country is disintegrating at the speed of light aided by the likes of Mark Kelly, who thinks that the rules simply do not apply to his party. Put it on the ballot and let the people choose. Do you value life, or do you believe everyone is expendable from the beginning. We have over 350 Million people, we are $35.5 Trillion in Debt. We have skyrocketing crime from coast to coast, we have a completely wide-open border and rampant inflation. It’s like Kelly who only seem interested only in passing legislation that’s perceived as being best for the party and not the country. And yet there those for whom that’s ok as long as there’s something in it for them.  

And finally, with an economy that’s in the toilet, out of control government spending, an invasion underway by millions of illegal immigrants, criminals and left-wing anarchists running wild, and an incoherent foreign policy, it’s somehow abortion that is the most important issue facing this country today! Have you ever heard anything more ludicrous? The real tyrants and authoritarians in this country are all in the Democrat Party, and they are showing themselves on the issue of abortion. Just a word of advice, let them, and only them, be the extremists and let the majority of American voters reject their extremism on Election Day in spectacular fashion.


The closer we get to the next election, the louder the Democrats, and their supporters, become regarding the need to save our democracy and the threat to democracy posed by President Trump as well as by those who continue to support him. But it’s important to keep in mind here that the Democrats do not actually define democracy in the same way that normal people do. And it’s a mistake, a very dangerous mistake, to believe that do. Democrats have their own rather unique way of defining democracy, one that is far more conducive to their leftist way of thinking, and one that more closely supports their grand plan for America.

Which brings me to Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” during which host Bill Maher stated that voters who aren’t talking about democracy and are worried about the cost of living instead “need to be slapped up the head,” because the democracy issue is important as well. He argued that people “do care about democracy also,” in addition to economic issues. While the panel was discussing whether 2024 Republican presidential candidate President Donald Trump would leave office at the end of his second term if he wins in 2024, Fox News Contributor and former Trump Senior Counselor Kellyanne Conway wondered why that was the topic of discussion.

Maher responded, “Why are we talking about whether elections matter in America?” Conway responded, “I’ve been a pollster for decades, a fully recovered attorney and happy about it. My job is the prism of the people. People are not talking about that. Bill, they honestly are talking about bacon and eggs, the insurance, the utilities, they’re trying to meet everyday expenses.” Maher cut in to state, “Well, then they need to be slapped up the head, because it’s [important]. People do care about democracy also, they do, maybe not the circles you run in.” Isn’t this the same turd who wanted a recession and inflation if it got rid of President Trump.

Even though Maher occasionally challenges the leftist agenda, he’s really just a shill for the Democrats. There’s no question that he intends on voting for Joey. This whole canard about President Trump not leaving office at the end of a second term and the “end of Democracy” is beyond stupid. They act as if there’s this interminable time President Trump will remain in power, forgetting the fact that he will be in his 80s and nearing the end of his life. To say nothing of the fact that he already did leave office the first time and on the date appointed. It would seem that the stage is now being set to fool Americans again with another fake election.

But then, that’s all they have. That and a gaggle of far left lawyers who got law degrees because of their minority status and who continually reveal a shocking lack of knowledge of the duty they have to upholding the law. They, like their handlers, just want to win at any cost. If Joey doesn’t succeed in his quest to jail President Trump then it’s all but guaranteed that Trump retakes the White House in November, where he will then be able to start arresting and throwing in jail his political opponents. As for inflation, how in the heck are we supposed to promote China and/or meet our climate goals if the middle class is allowed to live a comfortable, modern lifestyle?

Asking about whether Trump will leave willingly after his term is the most insane, stupid, asinine question! Maher asks insulting questions like that to conservative women only. How do you answer a “why do you beat your wife” type question? Maher is a stone-cold stupid. Claiming to be worried about democracy when President Trump wins but refusing to see the wholesale attack on our liberties and utter lawlessness under Joey. I guess trying to jail your political opponent doesn’t qualify as a threat to democracy for Mr. Maher. He must have short term memory loss if he doesn’t remember the government abuses of the people during the covid years.

Hungry people living paycheck to paycheck are more easily controlled. And if you happen to be someone who can’t pay the rent, the utilities, or for groceries, I’d wager that that would be the number one thing that’s on your mind. And I would also wager that you would like see getting rid of Joey as being the solution to your dilemma. Because getting rid of Joey would go a long way in reclaiming our constitutional Republic, and putting the Democrats out on the street where they rightfully belong! The economy is what’s important to most people, hence it’s whenever the economy is brought up it’s important for lefties to change the subject.

Finally, I’m pretty sure that Maher doesn’t have to scrimp to buy groceries or gasoline, doesn’t have to live paycheck to paycheck, and he’s now so far out of the mainstream that’s there’s simply no reason to listen to him. It’s Joey who’s the threat to our democratic process, and to free speech and to a system of justice based not on politics but of the rule of law. Democrats understand that if they maintain their rhetoric that President Trump represents an existential threat to our democracy, there are those who will believe them. But it’s quite the contrary! Wake up America and vote to retain your rights and your freedoms. Vote for President Trump!!!


The vast majority of those who have chosen acting as their profession, and I use the term loosely, have no more than your basic high school education, if that. But to hear any of them speak, regardless of topic, you’d think that they were highly educated and possess a very broad base of knowledge on any of what are considered to be the more important issues of the day. But in fact they’re merely acting, playing those who listen to them as nothing more than suckers. And it’s whatever talent that they may have, or not have, whether they want to accept it or not, has not come to them via years of hard work and dedication but has instead been bestowed upon them by God.

To be blunt, these people are nowhere near as special as they seem to think they are. And despite their very limited education the vast majority of these people have a rather overinflated sense of importance which has them believing that their opinion regarding those issues that impact folks in the middle class, far more than themselves, is worth listening to. And there’s no shortage of those in the acting business who seem think that just because they have perhaps played some important historical figure in some silly movie, they actually are that person. These people have spent so much of their lives pretending to be someone else, they’re empty inside.

Take Bobby DeNiro for instance. This guy has essentially played the very same character in every single movie he has ever been in and yet, for some bizarre reason, he continues to be heralded as being some great actor. But if you’ve seen one of his movies you’ve essentially seen them all. Personally, I just don’t get the draw. The only person listening to this dopey narcissist is the jerk that he sees in the mirror. He must have rehearsed these lines for days before this interview, because that’s all he’s capable of. Just when it seems little boy Bobby couldn’t possibly say anything more idiotic than he already has, he proves such thinking wrong.

And for some strange reason it was this past Thursday DeNiro appeared on MSDNC’s “The 11th Hour.” And it was then that he said President Trump’s rise was like that of Adolf Hitler’s in 1930s Germany. DeNiro said, “He is sick, he is genuinely a sick person that somehow has been allowed into our system. I’m not calling him names, he just can’t be anywhere near the office of the presidency.” Ignorance and arrogance walk hand in hand with these people. Clearly Bobby thinks he has some political pull, but the sad reality here is that nobody really cares what he thinks. In fact, I dare say, nobody actually cares what any of these Hollyweirdos think, one way or the other.

If we’re being honest, actors are nothing more than modern day court jesters, and who is it that listens to such people. Let’s face it, you become an actor, or maybe a politician, when you’re too incompetent, or too stupid, to be anything else. I mean, really, how much brains are really necessary to simply read words that somebody has written for you. And if you look at this group, as a whole, they’re drug addicts, alcoholics and/or people with severe mental disease to the point where many commit suicide. Truth be known, DeNiro is likely convincing more people to vote for President Trump than he is to vote against him. So let him rant, it’s what he does best.

He continued, “I don’t understand it. I don’t I don’t think they understand how dangerous it will be if he ever, God forbid, becomes president. I don’t think they really understand. And historically, from what I see, even in Nazi Germany, they had it with Hitler. They don’t take him seriously. He looks like a clown. Acts like a clown. Mussolini. Same thing. These guys, I don’t know why they look like clowns. They somehow people, that element of society identifies in some ways with them. But it would be chaos beyond our imagination. There’s no mystery about him. He’s right out front. And what he says is what it’ll be if he becomes president.”

He added, “The guy is a monster. It’s beyond wrong. It’s almost like he wants to do the most horrible things he can think of to get a rise out of us. I don’t know what it is.” Bobby concluded, “We always hear about people from Eastern Europe, the Jews from other parts of Eastern Europe, from Western Europe coming over. Look what happened with France, and with the Nazis and so on. And they come over and you hear these, and they go, and when I was a kid, they’d say, ‘You don’t really appreciate this country, you know, what we know from experience.’ Imagine what those people went through. I’m just starting to see it.”

Bobby went on to say, “You know, as a kid, I said ‘Hitler, it’s a nightmare that never would happen.’ But now I see that it’s possible. But those people, sometimes I run into some people who are close to my age, who are from Eastern Europe, European countries or even Nazi Germany and, you know, you understand it.” Now considering Bobby was born in 1943 he was two years old when World War II ended, so what’s he talking about. But then that’s the way it is with these people, they just make shit up as they go along. And they can do so because they’re comfortable in the knowledge that whomever it is sitting across the desk isn’t going to challenge what they say.

What we’re seeing from DeNiro is your typical leftist behavior, simply take the truth and turn it completely upside down. It’s the radical leftists who are protesting against Israel being able to protect itself from those forces who want to wipe it off the face of the Earth. Democrats love to have brain damaged celebrities carry their water. If DeNiro had remained hidden behind his acting he would have been remembered as one of the greatest. Now he will be remembered as a Trump-Deranged gas bag with a tenuous grip on reality. All-hate-all-the-time rots leftist minds but they can never recognize the damage. It sounds like music to them when they spew hate.

As far as I’m concerned, this hysteria-pushing fraud needs to shut the Hell up. He sounds like a scared hysterical teenage girl. Do we need to remind him of the fact that Donald Trump has already been president. And guess what, Bobby, the world didn’t spontaneously combust, he wasn’t a dictator, there was no ‘end of democracy,’ he wasn’t Hitler nor was there any of the other foolishness these clowns continue to squawk about. But what DID happen was a booming economy, the Abraham Accords, no new wars, a secure border, Iran was safely in their cage, Communist China was made to play fair regarding trade, just to name a few. So shut the fuck up.

President Trump is DeNiro’s ‘Corn Pop.’ He imagines himself doing battle with this fictitious “Hitler” on behalf of the Democrats. Like all the rest of the Democrat pundits he makes a stupid, outrageous statement about President Trump then dribbles on trying to convince anyone who listens that what he says is ‘true.’ Like all leftists his critique is 100 percent childish and lacks substance and contains zero specifics. What exactly makes President Trump so dangerous? Simply saying he’s a racist over and over is not specific, it’s just a smear. But then that’s all these people do, they never provide specifics, nor are they ever asked to. So it’s best just to ignore them.


Can someone please explain to me why it is that any ‘news’ network seeking to be seen as a credible source of useful information would choose to have a know nothing, back taxes owing, douche bag like Al Sharpton as not only one of its contributors but also as a host of a show that’s part of its regular programming. He’s not a ‘journalist,’ but then neither is anyone else on MSDNC and does nothing but incite violence with the concocted drivel he spews every weekend to an audience that likely numbers in the hundreds and that has a collective IQ of a doorknob. He is one of the least credible individuals, if not the least credible, in all of cable news. And yet there he is.  

And it was during an appearance this past Thursday on MSDNC’s “Morning Joe” that Sharpton opined about how the Democrats have lost the moral high ground by not condemning the pro-Palestine student protests on college campuses across the United States. And I must say that I found it to be rather humorous to hear Sharpton pontificate regarding possessing the moral high ground. And it was fellow panelist, and leftwing loon, Donny Deutsch who said, “I don’t care about politics, about worrying about your left flank, worrying about young people. Joe Biden needs to be a leader and come out and condemn in an explicit way what’s going on here.”

Joe Scarborough said, “This is something that Democrats don’t get in their gut and they never have. It’s the thing that frustrates me about Democrats. I voted for the war before I voted against the war. You know, always worrying, well, what about the 5% on the far, far left that are going to call me this or that or the other? No. Call this out. This is wrong, call this out. Say, we need to help the people of Gaza. We need to end the threat of famine in Gaza. We need to pressure Netanyahu to move towards a cease-fire and bring those hostages home. This detracts from our bigger cause.” How typical of these boobs. Yes, putting pressure on PM Netanyahu is what’s needed.

Sharpton said, “Let me say this, the politics of that, what is being robbed by them not doing that, Joe, where you and I agree. How do the Democrats, how do all of us on that side say January 6 was wrong if you can have the same pictures going on on college campuses? You lose the moral high ground.” Which prompted co-host, and resident bimbo, Mika Brzezinski to say, “Good Lord, don’t make a parallel to January 6.” Scarborough then added, “That has happened, though. That has happened.” So this is what passes as intelligent commentary by those on MSDNC. None of these people have anything useful to add to the conversation, absolutely nothing.

And asking Sharpton about the moral high ground is like asking OJ Simpson for advice on how to stitch up a knife wound. Now I hate to be the one to bring it up but I’m afraid that horse bolted from the barn the moment members of ‘The ‘Goon’ Squad’ were all hailed as being the future of the Democrat Party and no one said anything about their shameless antisemitic, and rather incendiary, rhetoric. It would seem that in their quest to acquire votes for their man Joey Democrats will tolerate just about anything from the various nut groups on the left. People such as these are not the ones who should be permitted to decide the path this country takes going forward.

Democrats having the moral high ground? That is the most hilarious I’ve ever heard. A world view driven by all-hate-all-the-time, which fuels Democrats in both politics and diplomacy, is a swamp of lies, deceit, fear and oppression. There isn’t moral high ground anywhere near their platform. One of the last things to happen in the last death throes of an empire is the regular formation of circular firing squads. Ideological lines turn into snarled tangles of confusion and friendly fire. Enemies find themselves suddenly and inexplicably on the same side on critical issues with growing regularity. The narratives and lines of communication all break down.

This in modern times indicates the collapse is either very close or is already unfolding. The cascading failures due to incompetence at all levels accelerate and make inevitable the process of collapse. America will not last even another 12 months. How could a party that condones murdering the unborn, pushing the rainbow cult perversion, promotes cutting off the genitals of little boys and breasts of little girls to transgenderize them, drag queen storytelling hour, and so much more, claim to possess the moral high ground? From their very beginning, by supporting slavery until this very day, Democrats have never held any “moral high ground.”

Finally, when race baiter Sharpton starts blathering about Democrats’ losing the moral high ground, you’re toast. Sharpton is just a race hustler and has no right to claim the moral high ground on anything. Sharpton again utters that which is nothing more than a bunch of disingenuous crap. For the last 20 years these same three hacks have been busy pumping up far-Left ideology that gave rise to the very communist punks out there viciously attacking Jews, whites, and America. And now they want to condemn the dividends of their decades-long politics? Someone should let them know that “you reap what you sow.” But it’s doubtful that they would pay much attention.


It’s more than a little arrogant, don’t you think, that those responsible for making movies that no one wants to see continue to think that they still hold some manner of sway over a majority of the American people when it comes to who it is that they should be electing as their political leaders. And it’s this merry band of druggies, boozers and perverts that somehow feel entitled to be lecturing us on the dangers of choosing not to ‘re-elect’ their guy, ‘The Big Guy,’ Joey B. And I’m quite sure that everyone has noticed how it never fails that they continue to be provided with a venue from which they are free to spew their nonsense uninterrupted.

It was this past Monday that Michael Moore was once again out making the rounds doing, I’m sure, what he considers his part when it comes to saving the country from the evil President Trump by doing his best to warn us all of the dire consequences we will face if *president Joey Biden is not re-elected. And it was then, during an appearance on CNN’s “The Source,” hosted by one of the network’s many resident bimbos, Kaitlan Collins, of Trump Town Hall fame, that Moore argued that our ongoing college protests were a danger to *president Joe Biden being re-elected in November. And Ms. Collins was only to happy to provide him with time to spew his garbage.

A partial transcript of this bizarre exchange follows:

Collins: There’s a CNN poll that showed today 81 percent of voters, who are under the age of 35 disapprove of how President Biden has been handling this war. I mean, we’re seeing it on campuses. There is a question of what we’re going to see in November. I wonder what you think he should be doing differently to change those numbers.

Moore: Thank you for asking that question, Kaitlan. This is why I was so, when I got the call, asking if I’d like to come on tonight. I really was coming on. I know we’re speaking to millions of people. But I’d like to speak to one particular individual. And that is President Biden.

I wanted to say this on your show tonight that his chance of not being reelected, I think, at this point, is so great, because of those numbers. Because he’s losing the youth vote. He’s lost the Arab American vote in Michigan. So even Michelle Goldberg in a column, in The New York Times, last month, said that you lose Michigan, you lose the election.

I am fighting to make sure that doesn’t happen. I am trying to save Joe Biden. Because as soon as he does the right thing, as soon as he — and if you’re listening, watching Mr. Biden, fellow Catholic, although some will say recovering, in my case, but still, we are — we are Catholics.

And the Pope is right on this. We need an immediate ceasefire. It is wrong. A mass slaughter of innocents, of children, of women, of the elderly, is a sin. It is absolutely against what we believe in.

I know you know that too. I know that’s why you’re not really happy with what Netanyahu has done here. And you can stop the killing tonight. You pull the plug, you close the bank. You shut it down. Doesn’t mean we’re not going to support Israel, protect Israel. Absolutely. All of that.

But it’s not what’s going on here. It is a mass slaughter. It is — it is a — it’s so, it’s madness, President Biden. And you know this. And I speak to you, as a fellow seminarian, to the Catholic priesthood, that’s me, that this is wrong. This is not what we believe in.

And I think, you know, after the World War II, we are all — we are all in the shadow of the Holocaust. We are all sons and daughters of that era. And what did we want to do? We wanted to make sure that no Jew would ever have to suffer again, or be killed again. And so, everybody got behind the idea that they should have this home.

But the home, the land wasn’t taken from the Nazis, the Germans. We didn’t give them Bavaria. We took land from people, people who — who not a single Palestinian built an oven at Auschwitz. Not a single Palestinian ran the Spanish Inquisition. Not a single Palestinian turned away boatloads of German-Jewish refugees that tried to dock in Boston, New York, Miami, prohibited, tried to escape before they were all exterminated. And we turn them away, we, the United States.

And it’s, I’m just saying, yes, it’s, you’re right to be, as you say, you care and you love the Jewish people, obviously, yes. But not this. This is — this is mass extermination. When you carpet-bomb a civilian population? And by us, who are watching this, that’s our tax dollars and my tax dollars. That means we are funding this. We are responsible. We have to own this. And we have to own it.

And so — well I’m sorry, Kaitlan. I just want to make this, because people, Democrats are going oh, don’t be saying this. We got to win the election. But we’re going to lose the election. We’re going to lose Michigan, if we don’t turn this around. And President Biden isn’t turning this around. That is going to do more to put Trump back in the White House. And I refuse to have Donald Trump back in the White House.

So, what are we all going to do? How are we going to fix this? There’s a simple way, right now, to try to bring back some of the young people. And I know we’re out of time. Thank you for letting me say that, and speak directly to the President, who I hope is watching.

And so once again we were treated to yet another great bit of analysis by Moore. We need more turmoil on the left, more activist protests, and an even worse economy to make his predictions come true. And don’t you just love how these multi-millionaires are always telling poor working stiffs how great things are really going? Moore makes it sound as if Joey losing would be a bad thing. But besides hapless twits like Collins, just who is it that even pays idiots like Moore any amount of attention? And wasn’t he gonna leave the country if Donald Trump won back in 2016? And why is he on a ‘news’ network anyway? Because he’s a useful idiot of the Democrats, that’s why.

Now on the other hand, perhaps, just perhaps, Joey is going to lose because he is the worst *president in the history of this country. But then, we’ve never, in the history of our country, had a *president quite like Joey. You know, one that wasn’t actually elected but was instead ‘selected’ by the country’s powerful elites and those who are members of our shadow government. Joey has made a colossal mess of things, and there’s no way he’s deserving of another four years in office. But times being what they are, that doesn’t necessarily mean that he won’t end up getting exactly that. Which, no doubt, would make Moore, and those like him, very, very happy.

Moore is clearly another of those on the left who has convinced himself that Joey actually won the 2020 election! The cheat was so obvious that even folks from other countries now don’t think that Joey actually won. And all of Moore’s gibberish notwithstanding, why would anybody, young or old, want to reelect Joey? His response on this current situation has been to sit back and wait it out. He is much more concerned about how people will vote than he is in protecting Jewish citizens, and that’s pathetic. Does he care that students have indicated that they don’t feel safe on their campuses, of course not because he’s afraid of losing votes.

And while much has been said about those who claim they will be voting for Joey, not so much because they support him and/or his policies but, because they hate President Trump, we’ve now, I think, gotten to the point where even the ones that say they dislike President Trump now find themselves being rather nostalgic about how life here in America was under President Trump. Most will say that they felt safer under President Trump, that they could actually afford to eat and to heat their homes and had more money in their 401K. So I’m beginning to think that whether or not somebody likes President Trump is becoming a smaller and smaller issue every day.

And excuse me, but we’re now supposed to believe that Moore is a Catholic? These Leftists will say anything, no matter how conspicuously irrational, stupid, dishonest or manipulative in their effort to make up for their lack of a substantive argument. The obvious truth that he can in no way afford to admit is Joey’s problems stem from him being a flagrantly stupid fool and dangerously senile. He’s driven by an ideology that compels him to enact policies that are purely destructive in nature, proven by his unbroken lifetime track record of catastrophe. His best strategy is not to pretend to be someone he’s not, his best strategy is to retire and go quietly into the night.

Another thing Moore can’t afford to talk about is President Trump’s rather stellar track record of success as president, and America’s desperate need to revive that success in order to reverse the avalanche of destruction caused by Joey, and his minions. That should compel most rational Americans to come to the conclusion that President Trump is the only choice. And everybody knows it. And while the attention span, and memory, of most Americans is relatively short, it was only four short years ago that President Trump was president and we were paying under two dollars for a gallon of gas, our borders were secure and there was relative peace in the world.

And to touch on the issue of the Palestinians, these people are the originators of their own destruction. Israel did not initiate this war, they are simply defending themselves against an insatiable aggressor, who has volunteered, by their act of war, to be annihilated. This is not about territory, and this is not about autonomy, it never has been. This is about insatiable Islamic jihad, according to Hamas’ own explicit claims to that effect, and their unbroken track record of it. If you can’t comprehend that, you are willfully blind, incurably stupid, or both. There is no need for Israel to stop this war, and they should accept nothing less than an unconditional surrender.

This is the problem with ‘news’ today. There was zero pushback on his intimation that Israel is not the historical homeland of the Jews and that there is some race of people called Palestinians. There was never anyone in history before 1960 that referred to themselves as Palestinians and there was never a country called Palestine. So leftists want freedom for Palestine who elected an authoritarian Islamic regime to rule over and determine their freedoms. And still, it’s a majority of those who live in Gaza that support Hamas and are therefore undeserving of any pity and/or sympathy. The only thing they are deserving, at this point in time, is to be totally annihilated.  

Evidently Michael Moore has never even looked at a map. If he had, he would see how tiny Israel is against that entire area, and even the part allotted to Gaza is huge in comparison. There are thousands of empty acres all around both countries that the so-called Palestinian people could move into if the Arab countries would allow it. These Palestinian people, otherwise known as Arabs, are totally unwanted by Arabs everywhere. Probably because they are so stupid that they won’t stop attacking the hands that have been feeding them for years. The conditions in Gaza are 100 percent caused by themselves and their Arab neighbors. Moore is an idiot.

Astonishing ain’t it, Mike, that the guy who has divided the country, and the world, spit on the Constitution, put illegal immigrants before every American Citizen, flooded the economy with big government spending causing a level of inflation not seen in 40 years, crippled our energy production and is doing his best to force us into buying electric vehicles that no one wants, has continually made end runs around Supreme Court rulings, lied repeatedly, cheated and stole from the American people for the financial benefit of him and his family and, AND, has dementia, ain’t going to win re-election come November. Gee Mike, you’re a regular Nostradamus!!!