It wold seem that Kevin McCarthy has already done a better job than anyone else could have ever done in making the case that this loser simply does not have the necessary skillset required for the job of Speaker.  The bonehead proved that point by actually suggesting that the House Benghazi committee can take credit for Hitlery Clinton’s slumping poll numbers.  I can hear that fat toad from the People’s Republic of Maryland, E-Lie-jah Cummings, already as he declares to Trey Gowdy that we now all know the REAL reason for this hearing.  And now thanks to McCarthy Gowdy job just became all that much more difficult!

McCarthy’s made his idiotic comments when recently appearing on Fox News in what I can only assume was part of his masterplan to court conservative support.  However, his comments seemed to contradict what have been longstanding GOP claims that the Benghazi committee is aimed simply at uncovering the truth while at the same time served to give credence to Democrat accusations that, have up to now, been pretty easily deflected.  Comments that the real aim of the hearing is to attack Hitlery, the Democrat presidential candidate who was secretary of state when the attacks on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya killed four Americans.

You know, in life there is stupid and then there is ‘REALLY STUPID!’  And in the world of politics one can ill afford to be ‘REALLY STUPID’, unless of course you happen to be a Democrat, which McCarthy is not. And what he was, was ‘REALLY STUPID’ when he said, “Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right?”  And then went on to say, “But we put together a Benghazi special committee, a select committee. What are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping. Why? Because she’s un-trustable. But no one would have known any of that had happened had we not fought and made that happen.”  Yup, ‘REALLY STUPID!!’

And as expected the Democrat reaction was swift and targeted.  It was Hitlery who actually called the comments “deeply distressing,” saying they show “unequivocally that this was always meant to be a partisan political exercise.”  It was in an interview on MSNBC that Hitlery said, “It does a grave disservice and dishonors not just the memory of the four that we lost, but of everybody who has served our country.” It was her comment that apparently caused the show’s host to chuckle even before she went on to say, “I really regret the way that they have treated this serious matter.”  She’s the one who said, “What difference do it make!” Is that treating the matter seriously?

And then it was from the White House podium, that we also heard Spokesmoron Josh ‘Not So’ Earnest say, “Leader McCarthy has committed the classic Washington gaffe of saying something that everybody already knows is true.”  This guy is a bigger lying piece of shit than even Jay Carney was, and that’s saying something. And of course there was a chorus Capitol Hill Democrats who were also quick to join in, and were only too happy.  Several of these clowns, in what I assume was an attempt to strike while the iron was hot, even went so as far as to demand that the committee be disbanded.  Nice going there, Kevin!

In what, I guess, was an effort to deflect the sure-to-coming blowback, McCarthy’s office issued a statement through spokesman Matt Sparks that defended the committee’s work and criticized Hitlery, who is to testify Oct. 22, but without retracting McCarthy’s comments.  It was this boob, Sparks, that said, “The Select Committee on Benghazi has always been focused on getting the facts about the attacks on our diplomatic facilities in Libya that led to the death of four Americans. This was the right thing to do and the committee has worked judiciously and honestly.”  But once words are said, they can be difficult to take back.

And then in making comments, that very easily fit under the heading of more than too little too late, Sparks went on to say, “These inquiries have nothing to do with politics and everything to do with the consequences of what the former secretary has done and her confusing, conflicting, and demonstrably false responses.”  But look, the damage has already been done all thanks to McCarthy’s trying to be too smart by half!  In an effort to convince conservatives that he’s up to the challenge all he really managed to accomplish was to demonstrate that he’s more of a liability than any sort of an asset.  And has many now questioning if he’s up to the task.

And then it was a spokesman for the Benghazi committee, Jamal Ware who said: “People view the Benghazi Committee through whatever lens or spin they choose, meanwhile, the Benghazi Committee is focused on, and our work is driven by, the facts.”  And I suppose that’s that’s true.  But we need to keep in mind here that if this was a committee being run by Democrats and the secretary of state involved here was a Republican, while the Republicans would still be interested in finding out the facts, the Democrats would be far less interested in finding the facts and more interested in doing that which they are accusing the Republicans of doing regarding Hitlery.

McCarthy’s comments had more than a few of his fellow Republicans cringing. The controversy seemed unlikely to do serious damage to his speakership bid, since the 50-year-old Californian is the prohibitive favorite. But it did raise questions about his ability to handle Congress’ hottest limelight in just his fifth term in office.  Matt Salmon, R-Ariz., one of the rebels who helped push Boehner out said, “When you’re in the top leadership post you have to be incredibly cautious about anything that you say.”  He added, “I’ve heard from a lot of members of the Freedom Caucus who are very concerned about having a leader … that we don’t just go out of the frying pan and into the fire.”

The controversy emerged as a short-term spending bill to keep the government running cleared Congress with hours to spare before the midnight deadline, though it will merely set up another shutdown showdown for December.  Boehner scheduled leadership elections for Oct. 8, and news emerged that he had privately urged Gowdy to run for majority leader, though Gowdy ended up declining.  The two current candidates for leader are Majority Whip Steve Scalise of Louisiana and Budget Committee Chairman Tom Price of Georgia, both are establishment types and thus are leaving some conservatives hunting for other options.

Amid the dissatisfaction, McCarthy has been working to distance himself from Boehner and ingratiate himself with hardliners in the House. In the same Fox interview where he made his comment about Benghazi, McCarthy gave Boehner a grade of B-minus on his speakership. That seemed a departure from comments Friday where McCarthy praised Boehner as a “true statesman” and “leader, mentor, and most of all friend.”  Several conservatives sounded unmoved by McCarthy’s new approach.  “I don’t want to be critical of Kevin on this but he’s in a political period and he has to say something,” said Rep. John Fleming, R-La. “The question is: ‘what is he going to do?'”

I think most of us have at least some basic understanding of the fact that, sadly, the majority of Americans are pretty stupid, especially after having been pretty thoroughly conditioned after having spent time in our illustrious public school system as well as many of our institutions of ‘higher’ learning.  And as such, they willing listen, and oft times believe as fact, most if not all of the drivel they hear from both Democrats and the state-controlled media.  So Republicans are already operating at a disadvantage.  So when a bonehead like McCarthy says something stupid it gets repeated many times over and very soon becomes believed as being true!  As far as McCarthy goes, stick a fork in him.