Believe it or not there are, in the Democrat Party, those who seem to have convinced themselves that the ‘fake news’ media is just chock full of Trump cheerleaders. Hard to believe, I know, but that’s what they claim to believe. Which, I must say, doesn’t say much about the current state of their overall mental acuity. And these same people also seem to believe that those in the ‘fake news’ media are putting out disinformation that is harmful to Joey’s chances of being reelected. Now while the disinformation is real, its main purpose is not to harm Joey but is instead intended to portray him as being fit for office and to paint Bidenomics as being a rousing success.  

And it was during an appearance on Wednesday’s broadcast of MSDNC’s “Morning Joe,” that Joey’s Campaign Co-Chair James Clyburn stated that he’s one of those worried that the ‘mainstream’ media repeating “the misinformation, the disinformation, the stuff that’s happened on social media” “rather than explaining exactly what’s happening,” might hurt *president Joey’s re-election bid by suppressing turnout among black voters. And Republicans “keep saying these ridiculous things, because they believe that if they get it repeated often enough by the mainstream media, people will be depressed, and then the vote will be suppressed.”

Clyburn said he’s concerned about turnout among black voters “not because I don’t think the interest is there and we are going to be able to turn people out based upon our platform. What I worry about, the misinformation, the disinformation, the stuff that’s happened on social media that people repeat, and then mainstream media, rather than report it as it is, tend to repeat it. It’s one thing to report. It’s something else to repeat, and you keep repeating this, rather than explaining exactly what’s happening, that could depress turnout.” Clyburn was clearly sending a message to those in ‘fake news’ media that they need to clamp down on any honest messaging getting out.

Clyburn went on to say, “And the other side know[s] that, and that’s why they keep saying these ridiculous things, because they believe that if they get it repeated often enough by the mainstream media, people will be depressed, and then the vote will be suppressed.” Clyburn need not worry about those in the ‘fake news’ media spreading disinformation about Joey, what he really needs to be worried about is that they might start telling the truth about him. But then that’s not likely to happen, at least not with the group of so-called ‘journalists’ that we currently have involved in what Clyburn describes as the “mainstream” media. Whatever lies need to be told, will be.

It’s the truth about Joey and his policies that’s hurting Biden. Clyburn actually favors “disinformation” being spread about Joey because the obvious truth of Joey’s inability to manage walking off a stage, let alone to lower inflation or deport illegals, is now undeniable. Are we to believe that the Democrats are now calling on the media to lie about Joey’s policy incompetence because the failures of those policies are now obvious to all. Is Clyburn now asking the media to make up some “disinformation” about Joey’s inability to run anything little alone not wander off at a world leaders get together. Name one thing Joey has accomplished that has been a genuine success!

Those in the ‘fake news’ media have been providing cover for Joey for a long time. They have tried to hide Joey’s diminished mental capacity since before the 2020 election. Many Americans have been brainwashed into believing we are a democracy and not a Republic, that DEI strengthens our country, that open borders are not a threat to our national security and plant food is destroying our planet. Then there are all of the ‘social issues’ they are promoting from child mutilation and murder to too many genders to count that they are pushing. President Trump loves America and wants nothing but the best for our country and citizens. That’s why they hate him.

The ’fake news’ media has proven itself, time and time again, that is nothing more than the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party. And like all modern liberals, Clyburn is delusional, but not so delusional that he doesn’t understand that the “mainstream media” is nothing more than an appendage of his party. They are clearly working to protect Joey. But those in control of our ‘fake news’ apparatus are losing the battle and for one very simple reason. More and more people have come to understand that there is very little they can believe. What integrity that may once have existed amongst those in the media is dead. Only libs believe everything they say watch.

Clyburn is nothing more than one of the plantation’s many black overseers, willing to say, or to do, whatever might be necessary to defend his master. The guy should have been voted out of office decades ago, but thanks to clueless, and likely somewhat racist, constituents he as remained. But if those in the black community are genuinely interested in seeking the cause of their plight they need to look no further than Clyburn and the many others like him in the Democrat Party. In Clyburn we have one of the dumbest men on Democrat side and now he speaks openly for censorship when it comes to any and all criticism of Joey. These people are beyond being dishonest.

Clyburn seems concerned that our corrupt ‘fake news’ media may not be gaslighting Americans enough in their effort to protect Joey. And I’m sure most have noticed that he seems unconcerned when it comes to “the misinformation, the disinformation” regarding President Trump. Clearly fairness in the media is not the issue here. Those in the ‘fake news’ media hate President Trump to the point where they willingly make up stories or ignore those stories about him that they consider as favorable, every day. But when the ‘fake news’ media can no longer provide cover for Joey, essentially because of their own malfeasance, well then, now that will be a real problem.

To be honest, “misinformation and disinformation” is nothing more than a lazy talking point that allows unintelligent people like Clyburn to shill for an administration that millions of America now view as being weak and blatantly corrupt, without needing any actual facts to back up and of his idiotic claims. He doesn’t have to provide actual examples, just gaslight about misinformation happening as if it’s absolutely true. And of course, neither is he ever asked to provide any by our supposed ‘journalists,’ who continue to prove, on a daily basis, that they are as incompetent at doing their job as are the many politicians who they work so hard to defend.

The ‘fake news’ media has been biased for the Democrats for decades. But even they do have their limits on what they are able to hide, cover up, or to simply sweep under the rug. There are now an endless number of videos that show Joey bumbling and fumbling, so they focus on trying to convince the American people to believe all of the disinformation and misinformation” about President Trump. They keep trying to spin this into another Russian, conservative disinformation blast to keep the truth from the people and it just shows how the Democrats silence anything, any truth they don’t want the people to know. So how is it that we can believe any Democrat?

Clyburn should listen to himself and how stupid he sounds. It’s Clyburn’s own party that has a long history of spreading misinformation, disinformation and lies. But quite honestly, he has every right to be nervous, because he’s pretty much the last of the old guard, racist, black Democrats, who, rather than work to help their people achieve the American dream, simply chose to live off them and do little to improve their lot. Many today have begun to see through this tragedy and are switching parties. Nothing would give me greater pleasure than to see those whom he has turned his back on for decades, finally turn their back on him. Now that would be funny!


So once again I will start out by stating the obvious, that it is without a doubt that Al Sharpton, faux preacher extraordinaire and all-around flaming asshole, is one of the most useless individuals likely to be found anywhere on the entire planet. There is simply no other way to accurately describe this clown. And as a human being he is totally worthless in every measurable way. And for a guy who’s supposed to be a ‘Man if God,’ he goes about preaching nothing but pure, unadulterated hate. In fact, peddling his special brand of hate has long been his stock-in-trade and one that has proven to be very lucrative for him having made him very wealthy. 

Sharpton is another of those who long claimed to be a watchdog over those in the black community but who did next to nothing to demonstrate that that is actually the case. Instead, he’s always been just a little too quick when it came to throwing them under the bus in exchange for a few pieces of gold from the Democrat Party for services rendered. You see, it’s long been his job to convince blacks that’s what’s best for them is to ignore those like Donald Trump, claiming his is nothing more than empty rhetoric, and to remain safely on the Democrat Party. And sadly, he’s achieved a great deal of success in doing so much to the detriment of the black community.

And so, it was as recently as this past Wednesday that Al was once again hard at work doing what it is that he gets paid to do, convincing any black within earshot to ignore the best chance they may have at achieving what’s left of the American dream and to keep their wagon firmly attached to the Democrat Party. It was then, during an appearance on MSDNC’s “Morning Schmo” that Al stated that any claims that President Trump helped build economic security for the black community was “absurdity.” Yup, spoken like the true piece of shit that he is. This guy takes being pathetic to a whole new level. You’d think more people would wake up to his idiocy, but they don’t.

Sharpton said, “You must remember that after they stopped Reconstruction and went into this era that ended up with Plessy v. Ferguson, 1896, there was no legal change till 1954 with Brown v. Board of Education. You’re talking about a span of almost a century. We’re the only race that, by law, couldn’t do certain things. We had biases against others that came to the country, but we were named by law not to have equal rights. And we’re talking about my parents, my grandparents. So you’re right. You can’t erase that in a generation, because by law we couldn’t do certain things.” He added, “The absurdity of Donald Trump acting like he did something.”

Sharpton droned on saying, “As you know, Joe, I knew Donald Trump for 35 years, fought with him, went to meet with him, tried to get him to do things. I’ve never seen a black employee in Donald Trump’s office. Not one. I used to say going up Trump Towers was like going up the Rocky Mountains — the higher you got, the whiter it got. You didn’t see one black employee at his trial. So, he did what for blacks? He didn’t do it as a private citizen, and as Steve Rattner’s charts show, he didn’t do it as the president.” What’s absurd is Sharpton’s claims that he has helped the black community when the only black Sharpton has ever helped, is himself.

Think about it, just what has Sharpton EVER done for the black community, and how much better off would the majority of blacks be if they had never paid any attention to him, and to those like him? And we all know who they are. All these people do is to work at keeping the sore festering in order to keep the money coming in from the Democrat coffers. President Trump did more for the black community in just four years than this race-hustling piece of shit has done during his entire ‘career.’ Even before he was president, Donald Trump did much to help those in the black community to the point where he was recognized by both Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.

So there sits Al and, with a straight face, tries to make the idiotic argument that President Trump’s claims of helping the black community are nothing less than an absurdity. I wonder if they are worse than Al promising to move into various black neighborhoods and help clean up the crime conditions, but never doing it, or blaming white athletes or Asian families who owned businesses of being guilty of acts against blacks, with destructive and even fatal results, but never being held accountable? But it’s neither Al, or old Joe Schmo, that wants to be bringing any of that stuff up. After all, that’s ancient history, water under the bridge, having all been forgotten.

Sharpton wishes to keep the black community in their victim mentality so that he can continue to fleece money from the very people he claims to be speaking for. He’s nothing but a washed-up two-bit shyster. Too bad for him there is an awakening going on in minority communities, as many, although not enough, are finally beginning to wake up and are recognizing just how it is that they have been, and continue to be, used by Democrat Party. It’s all just another example of the Democrats resorting to straight up lying out of what is pure desperation, working hard to convince people to believe not what they see before them, but only what Democrats tell them.

Since Sharpton first came onto the scene with his so-called “Action Network” what has really been made to change for the better in the black community? Frankly, the only thing that has changed is blacks who support him are in a more hopeless situation while he seems to be wearing more expensive suits and riding around in more expensive cars. According to people like Sharpton, “helping black communities” is more pandering, more racism, less prosecution for criminal acts and more handouts. Their misery, created by Democrat policies and maintained by people like Sharpton, is a real money maker for him, so, of course he would say that.

Why should anyone care what Sharpton has to say. And yet it’s someone like Sharpton who has attained the status of spokesperson. Sharpton really does need to look in the mirror, he’s used the Black community to boost his activist status and gain fundraising for his special causes, mostly his own pocketbook. As for calling him ‘Reverend’ that’s such a joke. He was supposedly ordained by a local church at age 9, so at best he’s an itinerate minister. In truth, Sharpton is nothing more than a political activist. He’s a media chasing parasite who’s only ‘talent,’ if you wish to call it that, is making volatile situations worse and in several cases getting people killed in the process.

Think about it, Sharpton has been around for decades and yet he constantly complains about how it is that black people are still oppressed and has convinced them that they can’t get ahead without him and the Democrats. And while his little game has been very a very profitable one for him, it hasn’t done much for those who he claims to want to help. A wiser person than I once said that there are two ways to influence human behavior, you can inspire people, or you can manipulate them. President Trump inspires people. He wants all people have the opportunity to achieve what they are willing to work for regardless of their race, gender, faith or sexual persuasion.

On the contrary, Joey and the Democrats have figured out they cannot inspire anyone with their policies so are therefore forced into trying to manipulate them by using the courts and an endless stream of lies which, with help from their many minions in the ‘fake news’ media, are then force fed to the imbeciles that make up their base and reinforced with the politics of personal destruction. Also, Democrats work to essentially buy support courtesy of various taxpayer funded freebies to the point where those who are weak minded and without morals will pledge their allegiance to the party as long as the freebies keep coming. But that only results in a dead end.

And finally, it’s everyone’s favorite race baiting ‘Reverend’ who never bothers to mention to his devoted followers that the reason that most have such a difficult time escaping a life in poverty is because of the very Democrat politicians that Sharpton has been convincing them that they must vote for. And that would be because the Republican Party, the party that was founded for the purpose of eliminating the slavery that Democrats imposed on their ancestors, is actually the party who wants a return to those days. Now the sooner Blacks realize that they have been, and continue to be, lied to the sooner many will choose to depart the Democrat planation.


Ok, so once again…there’s stupid and then there’s Democrat stupid. Now I will freely admit that I am far from being a political genius. But what I am is someone who’s able to recognize what it is that’s taking place right before my eyes. And I will also admit that while I do hate *president Joey, unlike the hatred those on the left have for President Trump, my hated of Joey isn’t personal, it’s strictly business. He’s purposely destroying my country and there is nothing anyone can say that is going to alter my perception of what is being made to take place. And I fail to understand those who remain supportive of the guy seeking to turn our country into a third world cesspool.

So the latest accusation to now be hurled at President Trump is that he will bail on the debate with Joey. Now I don’t quite get the rationale for making such an accusation, and/or claim, but I’m not at all surprised to hear who it is that’s making it. And that would, of course, be none other than that one hit wonder of the political world, James Carville. It was this past Monday during an appearance on MSDNC’s “The Beat” that Carville claimed that he doesn’t believe President Trump will attend the presidential debate scheduled for June 27 on CNN. Look, Carville hasn’t been right on anything since he got ‘Slick Willy’ elected and hasn’t been relevant for years.

Host Ari Melber said, “When you look at these debates, this is next week, so people who don’t follow as closely as news viewers, they’re going to realize, here’s the debate. I wanted to mention for folks, the new rule, next week, it will be different. No opening statements, two minutes to answer each questions, red lights visible when time expires. In a big win for the Biden campaign given Trump is a rule breaker, the other candidate who’s not speaking will be muted when it’s not their turn.” Carville said, “Well, if I was a gambler – and I am a gambler – I’d take even money that Trump doesn’t show up.” Melber said, “Ha. You don’t think Trump’s coming next week?”

Carville said, “I mean, I don’t know, but I think he’s gonna wake up and decide. Just like he said he was gonna testify at his defense in his trial. He didn’t even put on a defense. Let him show up. I wouldn’t be shocked, but I certainly would not be surprised if you gave me even money, I’d say he’s a no-show.” And as is usually the case with Jimmy, that doesn’t even begin to make sense. Who wouldn’t want to debate a guy with dementia when it’s way past his bedtime? Carville is nothing more than a nutjob and losing more of his grip on reality by the day. And why he continues to be sought out is anybody’s guess. If anybody will be a no-show, it’ll be Joey.

Ok, so I get it that there are those who still, for whatever bizarre reason, view this political quack worthy of being sought out for his opinion. But what makes this genius think that after having won every debate that has ever taken place between these two, President Trump would decide to take a pass. President Trump has literally destroyed Joey in every debate, even according to most Democrats. For crying out loud, Joey even reads the punctuation off a teleprompter. As is usually the case, Carville is delusional. It’s Joey who’s likely to be the one who no-shows. Or, if not, he’ll likely need to be tethered to something just so he doesn’t wander off.

Of course, Carville is merely projecting, but in his own senile and irrational way. He is hoping to Hell that Joey doesn’t show up and embarrass himself worried that Democrat down ballot idiots may all suffer from a shellacking by President Trump in November. And to be honest, with CNN involved, it’s not likely to be much of a debate as it will be President Trump who will be made to debate both Joey and these so-called moderators. The whole thing is likely to be nothing more than a joke, to the point where I doubt very much that I’ll even watch. After all, what’s the point, there’s nothing that can be said that will in any way change how I intend to vote.

President Trump is already ahead and should just keep doing what he’s doing and therefore doesn’t really even need the debate. Joey, on the other hand, most certainly does, he needs to show that he’s not the feeble old retard that we see in all of those videos. But not to worry, the moderators will be there to throw him a line should the need arise. And with all of the rules and restrictions that would seem to have tilted the playing field, old Joey might even land a lucky punch. But you know what they say, and what has been proven out by history; they accuse you of what they are doing. So, maybe Joey won’t be at the debate, either physically or mentally.

Personally, I’m confident both men will show. President Trump because he’s winning and Joey because the left is convinced all they need is a cardboard cutout behind the lectern. This is the left’s last chance to “get Trump” through their formattable blunt instrument, the ‘fake news’ media. The moderators are clearly biased. Possibility based on their when-did-you-stop-beating-your-wife were better worded. I am going to love it when President Trump gives the nation his best Garland/Wray impression, I cannot respond to on-going investigations or judicial matters before the court at this time. Next question. Maybe an occasional, we’ll have to see, might slip in.

Democrats can’t help but make ridiculous statements. There is literally zero chance that President Trump doesn’t show up for the debate. He immediately accepted terms, negotiated some of his own and he will certainly be there to defend himself against the lies, agitprop and incomprehensible nonsense that Joe, aided by the moderators, is sure to send his way. President Trump has shown himself to be a pretty good debater, although perhaps not in the classical sense, and the time restrictions can cause him to alter his style. But he’s a season veteran and knows how to follow the rules of the debate. But he cannot allow Joey to get away with the lying.

That said, I’m sure President Trump surely understands that the deck is stacked against him. But the goal is to expose Joey and I’m sure he knew that Joey’s handlers would never let him onto a debate stage in front of a live audience with unbiased moderators and so he agreed to debates that at least appear to be stacked against him. Many pundits have made a point to note that these unprecedented, early debates are being done as a final hurdle for Joey. If he fails miserably, they might all be forced to unite and dump him. a recent poll found that 41 percent of people polled think that Joey will simply walk off-stage sometime during the debate.

Carville, like all in the corrupt media, knew President Trump would be convicted of bogus crimes because the deck was so very clearly stacked against him and know the same will happen with the debates. The corrupt media has likely already written the headlines that President Trump clearly lost, and Joey looked strong and vibrant. Americans, as with the fake trials, will see a different debate. All President Trump has to do is let Joey, be Joey. The guy can’t put a coherent thought together. It’s the old rope a dope. The Democrats made the rules because they expect to come in hot and on fire. President Trump should lay back and just let Joey implode. Less is more.


I always find it to be more than a bit disingenuous whenever I hear someone who so very clearly has no love for this country accusing those of who do as being the true haters. Be, as we all know, actions speak louder than words and I have to be honest, it’s the Democrats who have been betrayed by their actions for the past several decades. To the point where it should be obvious to the most casual of observers that their love of this country is essentially nonexistent. And when you take into consideration their ongoing effort to destroy it, then I think it becomes safe to say that Democrats not only hate this country, but everything for which it stands.

All of which brings me to that U.S. Senator from the People’s Republic of New Jersey, Cory Booker, known to some as ‘Spartacus.’ You see, it was recently while he was out making the rounds this past weekend, that Booker landed on Sunday’s broadcast of   MSDNC’s “Inside,” hosted by old ‘Circle Back,’ herself, Jen Psaki. And it was during this rather bizarre appearance that ‘Spartacus’ actually claimed that President Trump does not love America. Host Psaki said, “I’m sure you are aware of the controversy that broke out over some comments that Trump made about Milwaukee, which is hosting the Republican convention coming up later this summer.”

And it was from there that this dolt went on to say, “He reportedly called Milwaukee a horrible city. He called Washington a filthy and crime-ridden embarrassment. He has called Chicago worse than Afghanistan. He once called Baltimore a disgusting rat and rodent infested mess. These are America’s cities. what do you make of his comments, and what is driving it?” Booker said, “This is the spirit of the man. This is a person who doesn’t love America. He demeans and degrades some of our most precious and beloved places. He demeans and degrades the people that live there, the people that dedicate themselves to teaching in our schools, firefighters and police officers.”

He went on to add, “There are cities all over America that are standing up, businesses moving back to city centers. Really exciting stories of promise. We don’t need a president that punches down, that beats up, that puts us against each other and degrades people and places. It is just disheartening to see one of our major political parties elevating someone who doesn’t celebrate America. The rhetoric of Ronald Reagan, of George Bush Senior. I mean, they were about celebrating this country, lifting this country up and seeing it for what it is.” Booker is just another hateful Democrat trying to hide the damage that Joey has done, and is doing, to America.

So it’s in Booker that all we really have is another of those who are nothing more that socialists who hates America. He clearly hates white people and enthusiastically supports an agenda the sole purpose of which, and the ultimate goal of, is the erasing of our history and the shredding of our Constitution with particular focus on our First and Second Amendments. I mean, I could go on but what would be the point. And while Booker clearly doesn’t want to admit it, everything that President Trump has said about any of our large cities, is absolutely true. These cities are filthy, crime ridden and dangerous, and are being run into the ground by leftwing demagogues.

And it’s according to Booker that that means he hates America, when in fact he’s merely lamenting the fact that they’ve been made to fall so far at the hands of Booker’s fellow Democrats. Booker demands sugarcoating of the catastrophic destruction of American cities by his Democrat cronies. Hell, it wasn’t that long ago when he was one them, running his own city into the ground, yet look at him today. Clearly, Booker is the one who doesn’t love America. A member of the Congressional Black Caucus which has accomplished the dependency of their minority on the federal government for survival. That’s what you get for 50 years of voting for democrats.

This is just more of the same from those like Booker. Stupid propaganda meant to deceive the weak-minded. You will never hear the truth from the likes of Psaki and Booker. Real Americans know that Donald Trump loves America and wants to make America great again. Democrats hate America which is why they’re selling us out to China and giving our jobs illegal immigrants. They are using our taxpayer dollars to provide illegal immigrants with free lodging, food, healthcare and education while our military veterans are left homeless and destitute. Democrats are allowing criminals and terrorists to enter our country to terrorize and murder innocent Americans.

President Trump doesn’t love America? Seriously? Then why is it that a man worth billions and who could spending his golden years doing nothing more than exactly what he wants to, choose to give it all up to put himself through the Democrat inspired nightmare that he continues to be put through? Anyone willing to go back and look at what Donald Trump has said on the past, they would quicky find that he’s always been asking the same questions he’s asking today. He’s never once bad mouthed this country. And that, my friends is not something that can be said of any Democrat, including Booker. Because they’ve always talked trash about this country.

Personally, I don’t love America as it currently exists with Democrats in charge. I don’t want to live in an America of Democrat design. I want to live in an America that follows the Constitution, that doesn’t cater to wokeness and where our supposed ‘leaders’ actually care more about America and her people than the of lining their own pockets. If Democrats like Booker wish to live in a third-world shithole they should go live in one and stop trying to turn America into one. And enough of this shit about how President Trump doesn’t love America. That would be the Democrats, who are busy trying to “transform” America into something it was never meant to be!

How about this Booker, how about we elevate this above the tired worn-out rhetoric from 2016. Here’s an idea, how about you take two or three minutes and tell us why it is, exactly, that we need to reelect Joey. And for a change, focus on what’s important to the vast majority of America’s voters, those feeling it the most in their wallets and their everyday lives, the ones who feel like there’s no way out, no hope for the future. Americans who feel abandoned and ignored by Washington DC and reviled by Hollyweird. Be honest. Be sincere. Speak from the heart. Oh, and, you can’t say, name, mention, allude to or otherwise reference in any way, President Trump.

But look, there’s really nothing new here in this most recent exchange between these two Leftist bootlickers, stroking one another’s delusional and lying egos. And riddle me this, who are ALL of those “businesses moving back to city centers,” when over the course of the last decade people, and businesses, have been abandoning these enclaves of liberal insanity in droves. Democrats have been lying and making hyperbolic attacks on Donald Trump since he first announced he was running for president. No logic or proof can change their minds. The Democrats are running on fear, abortion, and that farce of a verdict. They certainly can’t run on their record.

Perhaps Booker’s most ludicrous comment was when he said that we don’t need a President “that puts us against each other.” Has this moron not been paying the least bit of attention over the course of the last three years and a *president whose party’s underlying motto is, “My Way or the Highway?” Booker, like the rest of his cadre on the left, is merely gaslighting and taking what President Trump has said out of context or, worse, simply lying about what it is that he said. But then, what is a *president, or a party to do, when they have absolutely nothing on which they can run. They have made a complete mess of things and yet expect to be reelected.

Corrupt politicians like Booker who make such outrageous, ridiculous and patently false allegations are guilty of either willfully lying or compliantly ignorant. Whichever, it is willful sinfulness and there is a price that must be to paid. If not in this life, most certainly in the next. It’s gotten quite tiresome how these leftists try to project their own personal feelings of animus onto those of us on the right. There is nothing contradictory when it comes to President Trump’s love of America yet hating the filth and bad governance in most all of our Democrat controlled cities. Because it’s these same cesspools that are essentially dragging the entire country into the sewer.

And finally, it’s only in passing that I bring up Hitlery and only because she demonstrates how it is that those of her particular political persuasion claim that,   “dissent is the highest form of patriotism.” But, of course, that’s only when said dissent is being exhibited by those who are, again, members of her particular political persuasion. Hitlery once said, “I’m sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and disagree with this administration, somehow you’re not patriotic. We need to stand up and say we’re Americans, and we have the right to debate and disagree with any administration.” But again, her words only apply to kooks such as herself.


Democrats never seem shy, or the least bit hesitant, when it comes to allowing their hypocrisy to come shining through. And what appears so painfully obvious to those of us who are on the receiving end, I can only assume that it now happens so often that Democrats have essentially become blind to it. And as expected, it’s the repeated examples of this blatant hypocrisy on the part of Democrats that are never pointed out by any of our venerable ‘journalists’ in the ‘fake news’ media. Nor are any of these Democrat politicians ever challenged regarding the many lies that they tell. These ‘fake news’ clowns simply act as if no hypocrisy actually exists.

And it was this past Sunday that one of these scumbag Democrats showed up on CNN to once again spew more of the party’s incessant drivel and to again demonstrate just how stupid members of this party think the American people are. This time around it was Chris Murphy, member of the U.S. Senate, who appeared on CNN’s “State of the Union,” for the sole purpose, or so I assume, to whine about how he thinks that the Supreme Court is “becoming brazenly corrupt and brazenly political.” I gotta tell you, this guy Murphy is as stupid as they come. To the point where you have to wonder that if this is the best guy Democrats could find, Connecticut must be full of morons!  

Anyway, host Jake ‘Mr. Fake News’ Tapper said, “At a fundraiser in Los Angeles last night, President Biden referred to the upside-down flag that Martha Alito flew outside their home. He said the Court has never been as out of kilter as it is today. And there are a lot of other remarks along those lines. Is it appropriate for the president to criticize the Court like that?” Murphy responded saying, “Oh, absolutely. I mean, I think there’s a crisis on the Court. In particular with respect to Justice Alito and Justice Thomas. What Justice Thomas is engaged in is just a grift, right?” A crisis on the Court? And this idiot Tapper does nothing but nod stupidly in agreement!

And Murphy went on to add, “He’s got a major political player on the outside who absolutely has political and business interests at the court paying off a justice. Justice Alito is openly displaying affiliation with political causes in public.” Murphy went on to add, “I think it would be irresponsible for the president not to talk about the fact that this court is becoming brazenly corrupt and brazenly political. It’s up to the American people. This election to do something about that. It’s also up to Congress to step up and pass a code of conduct. The code of ethical conduct for this court before it’s too late.” Shame on those people who voted this imbecile into office.

And what was really so remarkable in this entire exchange was the fact that Murphy was able to spew his nonsense with a straight face knowing full well that the ‘journalist’ sitting opposite him would not question his lies. In other words, the Supreme Court is corrupt because they prefer the U.S. Constitution to attempts made by leftists like this clown Murphy to undermine and destroy it. The Court’s decisions are always bad when they go against what liberals want, so who is it that’s really disrupting constitutional government? The loony libs get mad when they can’t shove their ideas, and laws, down your throat with liberal Supreme Court justices.

And so, despite the fact that the Democrats continue to have their panties in a bunch over abortion, Roe vs. Wade was never constitutional to begin with. So, Roe vs. Wade was more “notorious” than was its eventual ‘reversal,’ which did nothing more than to send the issue back to the states where it has always rightfully belonged. The U.S. Constitution says nothing about abortion, and so according to that same Constitution the issue is under the jurisdiction of individual state governments. We all know that Democrats love the Court when it rules their way. Democrats hate the Court when it rules on the lawfulness of a law. That’s just the simple fact of the matter.

What we have here is more dangerous and more irresponsible rhetoric from an incompetent, ethically challenged piece of trash. This is the sickness of the left, and the corruption of the media, any conservative decision is “corrupt and political,” any leftist decision is perfectly normal. When members of one branch of government attack another branch of government without a consensus and just because one branch doesn’t follow your agenda of interpretation of laws and policies doesn’t count for much as far as one being more established in its entirety over the other. It’s exhausting to always hear the same rhetoric over and over. Change the tune already.

The Democrat Party playbook has become tattered and shopworn. They’ve been making the same accusations against political organizations that stand in their way for over half a century. And if I remember correctly, it was ever time, and I mean every single time, that President Trump made any sort of comments about the Court Democrats, like this puke Murphy, were quick to pounce, accusing him of not understanding the three branches of government. So what’s this asshole’s excuse?  Clearly, whenever the Supreme Court makes a decision that doesn’t jive with their leftist beliefs, Democrats accuses the Court of being corrupt and political.

And we’ve gotten to the point where you really do need to wonder if dolts like Murphy actually believe any of the shit that comes out of their mouths. And, if we’re being honest here, in reality it’s Murphy, and his band of leftwing cronies, who are the ones that are corrupt and political! And it’s justices Kagan, Sotomayor, and Brown Jackson who are nothing more than corrupt nincompoop Democrat Party puppets. They are all affirmative action dullards that just sign whatever their clerks write for them at the direction of the Democrat Party leadership. Democrat politicians RELY on a system of government that is “brazenly corrupt and brazenly political.”

For 80+ years, Democrats have used the Supreme Court to cobble together, out of thin air, policies that become law outside of the legislative process. What could never pass a vote in Congress was bypassed by the then radical extremist ‘Men in Black’ who decreed these concepts and opinions into law. From 1933 to 1953, FDR and Truman made 11 consecutive appointments to the Supreme Court which is just now recovering from decades of leftwing extremists dominating the majority of the Court. The left is now collectively so sick that it has to attack the Supreme Court while they themselves repeatedly violate the law. Democrats need to be eradicated, politically speaking.

And instead of sticking to the accepted process of drafting new laws, Democrats in Congress choose to jack with the Supreme Court, even though there are three co-equal branches of government. Most all of the Supreme Court’s decisions are disputes between the Executive and Legislative Branches or between the people and Congress or Executive. I think that perhaps Mr. Murphy needs a little refresher course when it comes to the Constitution. Especially when it comes to the part where Congress DOES NOT have oversight over the Court, period, end of story. Murphy needs to step back into his lane, as does every other Democrat currently bitching about the Court.

And as is usually the case, it’s from the perspective of those like this doofus Murphy, that this supposed “crisis” involving the Supreme Court likely arises from the fact that they’ve become a bit more focused on the Constitution and less focused on advocating for, and/or working to advance, the leftist agenda. The Marxist wing of the Democrat Party doesn’t like it when these appointed defenders of the Constitution, accurately interpret the Constitution as written. Further erosion of our constitutional rights is an obstacle to the Marxist police state that Joey’s owners only dream of. They want to be the elites while the rest of us eat cabbage and beets for sustenance.

nd so, if I’m right, this is where the Democrats try to smear and to discredit members of the Supreme Court who refuse to yield to the insanity because they are afraid that the Court will rule that President Trump has complete immunity wiping out several of their LAWFARE cases. But if the Court does end up siding with the woke and corrupt Democrats, then likely nothing more will ever be said about the Court. I just hope the Court is just and does rule in President Trump’s favor so these trumped-up court cases will go away. But if they do it will mean that no one can go after ‘Slick Willy’ Clinton, ‘BO’ or any Democrat president in the future, not even Joey.


Sometimes, despite the seriousness of our present situation, you just gotta laugh at Democrats who still think that after we’ve watched Joey, and they, spend the last three plus years destroying our country we’re stupid enough to believe anything they have to say. But you really do need to give old Jamie ‘Rat Boy’ Raskin an ‘A’ for effort for going out there every chance he gets to spew the stupidest drivel you’ve ever heard as he does his best to malign President Trump, his supporters, the Supreme Court or whomever else he thinks is in need of being maligned. And with Joey’s numbers in the toilet this sleazy fuck has been showing up all over the place.

Case in point would be this past Friday when Raskin was once again invited to one of his favorite venues and provided with yet another opportunity to do what it is that he does best. Appearing on MSDNC’s “The Last Word” Raskin argued, or tried to, that the Supreme Court striking down a ban on bump stocks is like flying the National Rifle Association flag “way above the Constitution and the public safety.” Raskin went on another of his baseless anti-American rants. He needs to be reminded that the White House routinely flies the Pervert flag above the Stars and Stripes. No Republican has ever disrespected our flag in the manner which the Democrats continue to do.

Anyway, it was during this recent appearance that Raskin said, “It was outrageous, of course. It was not just Justice Sotomayor who said that this bird quacks like a duck and walked like a duck, it was the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF). So it was the governing agency which said that a semiautomatic weapon equipped with a bump stock operates exactly like a machine gun and should be treated that way.” He continued, “Of course it was in the wake of the Las Vegas massacre where 58 people were destroyed and more than 500 wounded, fundamentally altering the lives of hundreds of people and snuffing out the lives of 58 of them.”

And he went on to say, “Trump at that point pretended at least to support that action as a substitute for universal violent criminal background check and for a complete ban on military style assault weapons. Now they get the justices he brags about putting on the court to overturn Roe v. Wade and they also strike this down.” Raskin added, “The Flag of America they fly upside down. The flag of the NRA they fly right-side up, and they fly it very high. Way above the rule of law, way above the Constitution and the public safety of the people.” So says the guy who has zero concept of “the rule of law” and who has no issues with those who burn the flag. He makes me want to puke!

Again, Raskin is simply talking out his ass. After all, how many times a gun fires is irrelevant if you’ve killed someone. The issue is, or should be, why did one choose to kill someone in the first place? Dead is dead, whether by one bullet or a hundred. His complaining is nothing more than smoke and mirrors. Democrats love all of the gun violence, that’s why they persist in taking measures that only serve to exacerbate it. They create so-called “gun free” zones in the hope of enticing one of their nutjob followers to take advantage of it. Democrats need the highest body count possible to make it easier for them to remove guns from the hands of law-abiding Americans. 

The Democrats’ rather profound contempt for the Constitution is better seen in how they continue to prop up an elderly man with dementia who is clearly unable to carry out the daily duties of President, instead relying on unelected bureaucrats to fill the void. How can they value the office of the President when the person in the Oval Office doesn’t even know what day it is? They’re all lying to us. Democrats commit fraud, they have no respect for our system of government when they decide the President is unnecessary. Raskin, while a member of Congress, has not even a basic understanding of our Constitution. Unelected bureaucrats do not make laws!

And so it’s once again that Raskin demonstrates his ignorance, or his willful disregard. Unelected, and unaccountable ‘government agencies,’ like the ATF, have no authority, or power, under our Constitution. We are not supposed to be under the dictates of such petty gauleiters as ‘governing agencies’ who are not made to face election, and therefore can never obtain the moral sanction of “consent of the governed.” Raskin appears to think that ‘governing agencies’ rule the American people. However, nowhere in the Constitution are such monstrosities expressly enabled. But this type of warped thinking coming from Raskin is really nothing new coming from Democrats.  

In short, this guy is straight up lying. A bump stock does not turn a semi-automatic gun into a machine gun. It’s still per the one bullet per one trigger pull. Yes, we fly the NRA flag because gun ownership is a Second Amendment right that those like Raskin would love nothing more than to eliminate. They hate it when the Supreme Court rules in favor of the written law instead of whatever the current progressive orthodoxy might be. Yes, we sometimes fly the American flag upside down because we believe the Republic is in danger. Raskin loves playing his role as a member of the elite ruling class and, as such, sees the rest of us as a hive of bees to be managed.

Democrats see only one solution to their dilemma, and that would be of course to pack the Court, not with those justices who believe the Constitution should be enforced as written, but with left wing activist ‘judges’ who feel the Constitution is much more open to interpretation. Sotomayor is a liar and a disgrace and Kagan was never even a judge! Such individuals make clear just how destructive Democrats are! If we’ve learned anything in the last four years, I would hope that most Americans have now come to realize that Democrats never tell the truth. Everything they say has as its core the intent to take away our freedom and undermine the Constitution.

Those in the Democrat Party see as their number one priority is to either neuter the Court to the point where its decisions can simply be ignored, or to figure out a way essentially seize control of the Court guaranteeing that any decision made would be in their favor. Democrats seem far less interested in reducing inflation at the grocery store, gas station, pharmacy, and everywhere else; securing the border; and prioritizing the safety, security, prosperity, and well-being of you, your children, your community, and the country. But what should we expect from a Democrat Party whose latest nominee to the Court claimed to lack the ability to define word ‘woman?’

And finally, perhaps what America needs is a two-state solution of its own. One where we would have the ‘Conservative Sates of America’ and the ‘Communist States of America.’ All those who hold the Constitution to be right and true, love God, Family, Constitution as founded, strong military might, energy independence, real education, truth in media, manners, community helping neighbors, morality, clean streets, clean air, clean water, jobs for all, lawful pursuits, etc., come to the Conservative States of America? Those who want to be taken care of by an overbearing, greedy, immoral, lying, perverse, government, well they go to the Communist States! Sound fair?


Once again we have one of those Democrats few have likely heard of outside of his home state pop his pointy little head up to go after those of us who continue in our support of President Trump. Those familiar with this boob are well aware that this is not the first time this clown has chosen to shoot his big mouth off, targeting President Trump, his supporters or, if he’s feeling particularly nasty, both. Kinda makes one wonder if he might be vying to replace old ‘Kneepads’ Harris. Not that she isn’t in need of being replaced, but I just don’t see this guy as being much of an improvement. But then, I’m not a Democrat. And thank God for that.

So do Democrats, like this jerk, really think that by calling us names we will somehow magically come to our senses and abandon President Trump and join them in voting for Joey? Speaking only for myself all I can say is that there ain’t a snowball’s chance in Hell of that ever happening. These scum sucking leftists can call me every name in the book but it’s never gonna convince me to go over to their side. So anyway, the guy I’m again talking about here is Josh Shapiro, Democrat governor of Pennsylvania. This past Thursday Shapiro again appeared on MSDNC’s “Deadline,” this time claiming that supporters of President Trump are “profoundly and pathetically weak people.”

Shapiro said, “When Donald Trump sued us to try to first stop people from voting then had their votes count, he and his allies sued us 42 times. We went 43-0. We had a free and fair, safe and secure election. Then look at the ballot box while Donald Trump squeaked out a victory in 2016 in Pennsylvania by just over 40,000 votes, in every subsequent election, either Donald Trump or his handpicked candidate lost. They lost for governor, hey lost for United States Senate, Hell, they even lost for school board in some cases. This is a guy who has lost every step of the way, yet these people keep following him.” So says a man who doesn’t even know what a woman is.

He continued, “I had to laugh today when some of those senators were like standing up there applauding him. The same people that were saying after January 6th that he didn’t have a place there, that he had stoked violence against them. Now they’re lining up and just showing themselves to be profoundly and pathetically weak people who don’t swear allegiance to a flag, but to Donald Trump.” And riddle me this, if it’s “profoundly and pathetically weak people” who support President Trump, what exactly do we call those people who support the “profoundly and pathetically weak” Joey B? This governor is nothing more than another incompetent political hack.

Shapiro added, “They are people who have lost really just the sort of core vision of you know, Reagan’s Republican Party, the Republican Party that you worked for in a really noble and honorable way. That’s all out the window. Now, they just look straight to that one man. A man who has delivered them loss after loss after loss here in Pennsylvania and across the country. Why they continue to follow him in many ways is a reflection on just the weak people that they are more than anything else.” That Democrats actually think this is in any way a positive way to proceed still amazeds me. There may have been a time when it worked, but that time ain’t today!

So how about this, Josh, instead of calling those of us who support President trump “profoundly and pathetically weak people,” how about you take two or three minutes and tell us why it is that we need to reelect Joey as *president. And in so doing concentrate on what’s truly most important to the vast majority of Americans, the same ones feeling it the most in their wallets and in their everyday lives, the ones who feel like their trapped and there’s no way forward and no hope for the future. Americans who feel abandoned and ignored by their political leaders like yourself and reviled by the freaks in Hollyweird. Be honest. Be sincere. And speak from the heart.

You know, actually it’s the exact opposite of what Shapiro says. Democrats live life dependent on government for every need. Republicans are more self-reliant and choose to control their own lives. The Democrats live up to a recent quote, “Every accusation is an admission of guilt.” Without conservatives the country literally stops moving, without liberals we save trillions in welfare, Medicaid, and benefits for illegal immigrants. Democrat run cities have the highest crime rates, the highest tax rates, and the highest unemployment rates, along with the most people on welfare, but Conservatives are the weak minded people? The facts don’t support his assessment.

Shapiro is just hating on himself. He can’t undo President Trump and simply can’t think of anything else to say. Just awful to see him down in the dumps like this. But, that’s his choice. I have to laugh because these Democrats got nothing. He has to look up to see nothing. I can’t help but chuckle and remember he’s the poster child for butt-hurt politicians who know they’re outta their league. What a great way to reach out to undecided voters, declare half of the voting public as pathetically weak people. That will sure reel them in to the Democrat Party, right? Democrats are working on bringing Americans together as he insults the MAJORITY of the country!

Shapiro is another proud member of the Democrat Party, the party of unchecked government power, endless efforts at division, dependence, poverty, economic stagnation, rampant crime, escalating violence, homelessness, drug addiction, mental illness, racism, international weakness, debt, despair, desperation, illegal immigration, failed schools, broken families, political persecutions, relentless lies, intolerance, all manner of lunacy, and that is living up to its legacy of slavery, Jim Crow, and the KKK enforcers that preceded its BLM, antifa, and pro-Hamas brownshirts. Ask me what I really think of this moronic leftist jack-wagon.

I’m guessing that Democrats, again like this ass Shapiro, have simply given up on trying to understand that there are still those who won’t grovel to their ideology. So apparently, they’ve decided to move on to simply insulting everyone who refuses to bow to the rapidly shrinking Democrat Party. I must say that’s it’s been interesting watching them embark on a political strategy that is essentially consists of nothing more than to call everyone incapable of understanding their greatness, stupid. And then they stand around voicing confusion as to why their polling keeps getting worse. These are the same people who pride themselves on being so politically savvy.

Shapiro speaks like someone whose understanding of the world exists at the nexus of propaganda, ignorance and gullibility. People like that have no clue about real strength, be it physical, emotional or moral, and so they also have no clue about how weak they actually are in terms of being able to make, and to keep, them and their families, and their country, free and safe. If it weren’t for the guardrails set up by the founders, the ongoing efforts to defend and uphold our Constitution, and the yuge inertia due to the sheer political mass of America, foolish and gullible people would become the slaves of a predatory nation within one or two generations.

Democrats don’t give a damn about the government lying about the economy, corruption in the DOJ, our president taking bribes from foreign nationals, the rule of law, unchecked migration, the Constitution and free and fair elections. Shapiro is another arrogant elitist spouting talking points on MSDNC and trashing the American people because he recognizes his power is in jeopardy. Democrats have again overplayed their hand and as a result have pissed off the majority of the American people. They have nothing to sway the voters to support them and can only use projection and conjecture against Republicans to try and change the narrative.

Shapiro shows his own weakness in his need to lie and his refusal to believe the actual evidence before us. The evidence that his own party conducted a false hearing, destroyed evidence from that hearing and cherry-picked video in order to create a false narrative. Cherry picked witnesses, cherry picked speeches leaving out the call for a law-abiding peaceful protest that President Trump reiterated time and again. Weakness shown by the need to lie about how he and his Democrats support gutless wonders who haven’t got the guts to be truthful and take the responsibility for their own destructive actions or for their oppressive agenda. Pure slime.

You cannot be weaker than someone who is a supporter of Joey. Because it’s in so doing that you must also be a supporter of, high inflation, a declining standard of living, open borders, rampant crime, a traitor, a man who hates your personal liberty and freedom, a man who hates the Constitution, a man who has been wrong about foreign policy decision for the last 40 years, a man who loves our enemies and hates our allies, a man who has botched every military operation since he has been *president, a man who is fumbling his way into WW III, and a man who rarely even seems to know where he is. Yes, by all means, Democrats are strong people!!!


Well, it’s once again that we have yet another bit of proof, as if we needed any, that Democrats are all about party over country. This time around that proof comes to us in the person of that “Spartacus” from New Jersey, Cory Booker. Yes, the same guy who has long fancied himself as being the next ‘BO.’ Every time this moron opens his mouth it’s anyone within earshot that’s forced to experience what would be a new adventure in stupidity. That he’s actually a member of Congress makes clear that the collective IQ of his home state of New Jersey is somewhere in the single digits. I mean, how stupid must you be to want this boob representing you in the U.S. Senate?  

Anyway, it’s now become common knowledge that whenever you get two or more haters of President Trump together in a room there is bound to be no end to all of the zany shit that you’re likely to hear. And it was just that scenario that some might have been witness to this past Tuesday when Booker appeared on CBS’s “The Late Show,” hosted by everyone’s favorite doofus and unfunny kook, Steve Colbert. And, as expected, it was then that the subject President Trump, of course, came up. And it was then that Booker said that he did not trust President Trump’s appointed federal judges. Well of course he doesn’t since they actually believe in the Constitution!

Things git started when Colbert said, “Let’s talk about the Supreme Court for a second. One of the things that people are speculation is that something is foundational to the modern American view of equality, Brown v. Board of Education could fall under the Supreme Court. Is that alarmist? Or would you not put this past them?” Booker said, “Take Donald Trump at his word and listen to people, what they say to you. I’ve been on the Judiciary Committee now for years and I was stunned when I saw a change, some of the Supreme Court Justices he appointed came before us and were asked directly, was Brown v. Board of Education rightfully decided?”

And he said, “They would not answer one way or the other. This idea that we are a nation of equality, the fundamental establishment in that case of this truth about America is that we should be a nation of equality and justice for all, something is foundational is that now is being put into this sphere of being in question by jurists for refusing to affirm those ideals. I have been shaken by seeing things happen in our federal judiciary that I never imagined possible.  The majority of Americans, 70% to 80%, look at these ballot initiatives from Kansas and other red states, the majority of Americans believe in Roe v. Wade but that was stripped away from us by the courts.”

He said, “The majority of Americans believe we should have common sense universal background checks but that’s been blocked time and time again by Republican Congress. The majority of Americans believe we should have access to IVF. I do not trust these Trump-appointed judges the last time he got in their impact our courts with extreme right-wing folks. I do not trust them to secure our rights. Congress must act.” Right back at you, “Spartacus!” The majority of Americans don’t trust Democrat appointed judges, some of whom aren’t actually judges at all, but are individuals who happen to be of the right sex, the right skin color or of the correct sexual persuasion.

After all, it’s Democrat ‘judges’ who are unable to find a citizen’s right to keep and bear arms even when you shove the Second Amendment in their face, and yet they’re able to somehow find the right to murder a baby up the moment of birth. And it’s those judges appointed by conservatives, including those appointed by President Trump, who are at least able to tell you what a woman is. Booker again claims that “the majority of Americans” believe in the Democrats’ leftist agenda, but he purposely ignores what the majority of Americans really want or believe, and he knows it. But he’s an obedient little commie who gladly fulfills his marching orders.

Booker is a racist, America hating leftist. He’s a poster boy for all that is wrong with American politics today. Power-hungry politicians selling out this great nation’s sovereignty to a globalist cabal. Booker thinks the three leftwing kooks on the court define what all federal judges should be. Pawns of the very America hating and Constitution hating hybrid socialist politicians who persist in destroying America. What we need are five Thomas’ and four Alito’s on the Supreme Court and the like throughout our entire court system. We need that just to buffer what the Democrat Socialist Party and other liberals are doing to America and to we the people.

We need to give Democrats a sample of what they’re doing to President Trump, lord knows we have more than enough evidence. But that’s not how President Trump operated. He will not use “lawfare” like the Democrats do. If he is re-elected, he’ll only have four years to repair all of the damage done by Joey and Democrats like Booker. His priority will be the country and her people, while the priority of the Democrats will likely remain attacking those who disagree with them. President Trump wants you to be able to keep more of your money, meanwhile Democrats keep coming up with new ways to see how much more of your money they can take.

Now I realize that I may not as smart as either of these two boobs, but if I have this right, it according to them that questioning this corrupt clown, Judge Merchan, somehow equates to bringing about the end of democracy as we know it, meanwhile questioning every single judge that President Trump has appointed, including Supreme Court Justices, is to somehow be considered a patriotic act  Of course, Booker doesn’t trust judges appointed President Trump. Those judges who actually use their position as they are supposed to and who follows the law, surely cannot be trusted to deliver a decision that will suit these radical leftwing nutjobs. And so there you have it.


Hysterically speaking, it’s with each passing day that MSDNC proves itself to be little more than the clown car of the cable news work. It’s gotten so it now ranks right up there with CNN. They’ve already succeeded in narrowing down their viewing audience by spewing drivel to the point where only the looniest among us have any interest in listening. MSDNC has morphed into something that is clearly less a ‘news’ network and more a proud member of the Democrat propaganda squad. And just when you think you’ve heard the dumbest thing anyone has ever uttered under the guise of ‘news,’ damn if there doesn’t seem to be someone who comes along later to top it.

Case in point would be one of the stranger members of this bizarre cast of characters and one who appears probably far more regularly than he should on the network. His name is Donny Deutsch. And he’s a guy who really has no real claim to fame that would make him any sort of an expert or someone to listen to when it comes to politics. But that hasn’t prevented him from being a frequent guest on the network and be given a platform from which he is able to spew is incessant drivel. It was this past Monday that this dolt appeared on MSDNC’s “Deadline” where he declared that President Trump being in charge of the United States nuclear arsenal was “not OK.”

Suggesting a Biden-Harris campaign ad, Deutsch said, “The ad is simple. You put on the graphic, fit with Joe Biden at the State of the Union. Then you show Trump, unfit. You make each one of Trump’s funny, and you go, ‘It’s all fun and games until it comes to nuclear weapons.’ Anything you’ve been seeing that you may not think is disqualifying, contrast it with Biden.” He continued, “You have to bring it up. This guy might be a little old, but his hand on the button is okay. This guy’s hand on the button is not okay. I would bring it back to end the world stuff.” So remind me again why it is that this guy is someone I need to waste a second of my life listening to.

But be that as it may, it was Deutsch who then went on to add, “The campaign has said loud and clear they want to make this about contrast. You have to do that. In the end, and I’ve said this in different forms, Trump, we all know how scary and dangerous that is. You have to scare people if they’re on the fence. We’re talking about 700,000 voters out of 330 million, the true voters in play. It’s a gut decision. They’ve had eight years of facts on both sides. You want to get them in that booth where it’s just, ‘You know, I may not be with Biden, but I can’t go there. I worry about my grandchildren.’” Gag me with a spoon, you can’t make this shit up!!!

And then it was later in the week, on Thursday, that this very same imbecile, Deutsch, showed up yet again, this time appearing on the network’s ‘Morning Schmo.’ And he tried to make the argument that Republican voters were “the real problem” because they were behind President Trump’s popularity in the polls. Fellow commentator Mike Barnicle said, “The GOP is, as I knew it, as you knew it, as young as you are, as everyone knew it, it’s gone, it disappeared. This stuff has been going on for eight years. Eight years we’ve been going through this dance with various Republicans, Donny, spinelessness to lack of character to complete duplicity to fraud.”

Barnicle added, “One political party gone, diminished, means nothing to a lot of people today. I don’t know how you rebrand that.” Deutsch said, “The real problem is not the party itself, it’s the voters who are subscribing to the party, 74 million of them last time around. This time Trump is ahead in the polls, not by a lot. The real question and the thing that’s the most troubling, and I know a lot of these Trump voters, is the party speaks for itself. They’re transparent. We see it. Other than Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney, I don’t think — and now you saw Paul Ryan —I don’t think there is a Republican that has spoken outside of or against their fearless leader.”

He added, “So what is it about, at this point, half the country that says, ‘that’s my party, I’ll vote for that, that works for me’? That’s the troubling part. It’s beyond the party. It’s the voters that are subscribing to it. That keeps me up at night.” President Trump has already had four years in office, and he performed rather spectacularly. And yet, it’s those on the Left, like old Donny Deutsch-Bag, that have the audacity to peddle this nonsense. Those on the Left clearly have no shame, have no conscience and no functioning brain. So really, at the end of the day it’s those like Donny who are really the problem. They hate America, so therefore they hate President Trump.

Democrats are an unprincipled and amoral bunch. All of their so-called values are relative to whatever is deemed necessary to gain the long-term agenda, which is total control over the people. Lying, cheating, spreading propaganda, rigging elections, whatever they think will work at that specific moment in time is totally acceptable. Even if it’s 180 degrees in opposition to any of their many previous positions. You see, everything in their world is considered to be fluid, one must always be flexible when it comes to determining one’s position on just about any issue, but especially if that issue is determined to have an impact, no matter how slight, on the next election!  

And I’m guessing Donny must have forgotten that those like him have already tried all of this same crap against President Trump. And I guess he’s also forgotten that it didn’t work the first time they tried it either, when they still had some level of trust from the people. But there is really no trust left now, and the people have watched as the idiots in charge have essentially run our country into the ground. Who’s running the lefts train wreck of a campaign? Because I have to say I haven’t seen anything run this badly in my entire life. It’s a cavalcade of fantasy stories and screaming at the voters accusing them of being too stupid to know what’s really going on.

It’s like they have the memory of a goldfish. And they also seem to have forgotten how it is that this isn’t the good old days where the so-called ‘mainstream media’ had pretty much total control over every ounce of information spread to the world. These days things like social media, independent media sources, foreign press and just random people in the world all are there to counter the leftist insanity, on a daily basis. Deutsch is another ‘fake news’ propaganda and indoctrination stooge, spewing the absolute slanderous nonsense that is the 24/7 output of this gaggle of ignorant and dishonest frauds. Gaslighting taken to a heretofore unheard of extreme.

And please remind me again, Donny, just how many times it was that President Trump pushed that button during his first term in office! Meanwhile, for the rest of us back here in the real world, it’s the monumental screwups like Joey, Blinken, Austin along with any number of DEI hires, described as “experts,” that think nothing of risking a direct, all-out war with nuclear-armed Russia over Putin’s continuing aggression in Ukraine. So please tell me, how is it that anyone with a functioning brain is somehow able to feel safe when the guy who rarely knows where he is, is the same guy with his finger on the button. Speaking for myself, I for one most certainly do not.

And finally, I suppose, and I’m certainly no expert, what really troubles those on the radical left, which would most certainly include old Donny, is that the finish line to Communism keeps getting pushed back. If only the Republicans would finally stop resisting the Democrat Party’s effort to “fundamentally change” this country, the American people would already be enjoying from each according to their means, to each according to their needs, administered, and also enforced, by the omnipotent Democrat Party. Make no mistake, that’s the goal here. And the useful idiots in today’s ‘fake news’ media, like Donny Deutsch-Bag are only too willing to help.


Apparently it’s those who comprise our cadre of turncoats that so many of us in the Republican Party refer to as RINOs, are of the opinion that we have made, in their view, a horrible mistake. That mistake being, of course, our refusal to abandon President Trump instead of choosing to support someone much more to their liking. And why they claim to be none too fond of *president Biden, you can rest assured that they will be voting for him before they would ever vote for President Trump. After all, they really were holding out hope that we could be conned into selecting one from their ranks to go up against Joey, but we’ve all had our fill of these RINO pukes.  

And so it was in that vein that RINO Paul Ryan recently made an appearance on FNC’s “Your World,” hosted by fellow Trump hater Neil Cavuto. He did so to once again complain about how it is that President Trump is simply “unfit for office.” Cavuto asked, “Now, I know a lot of these folks who also shared your same concerns about Donald Trump that sort of said, all right, we’re rallying around Donald Trump. You said that would not be the case with you. You had said that he’s a populist and an authoritarian narcissist. That character is too important to me, and it’s a job that requires the kind of character he just doesn’t have. That’s pretty strong.”

Ryan said, “Yeah, that’s the way I feel. I agree with that. I don’t support Biden either. I think his policies are terrible. I hate the fact that I feel I got to write in a Republican like I did the last time in 2020.” Ryan said, “I voted for him in 2016, hoping that there was gonna be a different kind of person in office. And I do think character is a really important issue. If you put yourself above the Constitution as he has done I think that makes you unfit for office.” Too funny, Ryan talking about a lack of character. There’s no way I believe that this RINO asshole voted for Donald Trump, no way at all!!! And Ryan also said that American voters have terrible choices for president in November.

Cavuto asked, “There is this historic, unprecedented situation that we’re going to have a former president who’s a convicted criminal and we’re going to have a son of a president who’s a convicted criminal. And I’m just wondering what you think of that?” Ryan said, “Yeah, I think in a country with 350 million people, this is the choice we have. I, like the majority of Americans, wish we had a different choice than the ones that none when we’re being presented with.” But you know, that’s exactly what many said back when Ryan and Romney were running against ‘BO’ and Joey. But even then I had no idea the degree to which both of these scumbags were to blatantly lying to us.

Ryan continued, “I can’t help but think of Nikki Haley. The week she was dropping out, she was 16 points on Biden. She’d probably win this thing by 12 points.” Of course, he would favor someone of his own political persuasion, in other words a RINO. But there’s no way she would have defeated Joey because there isn’t a Trump supporter alive who would have voted for her. So it’s once again the Ryan is simply blowing smoke! Anyway, he went on to add, “It’s gonna be a very, very close race. I think they’re terrible choices that we’re being presented with. And that’s just what the primary voters selected and I regret the fact that that’s where we are.”

Someone really must take the time to explain to ‘RINO Ryan’ that we wouldn’t even be faced with this dilemma had the ‘Establishment Republicans,’ aka the RINOs, actually governed like they campaigned. But they didn’t, resulting in populist revolt that gave us Trump. So they have no one to blame but themselves. They screwed the base one too many times. And the funny thing is that he thinks anyone on the right is listening to anything he says. Ryan could have very easily gotten his wish, if he had fully supported President Trump, Trump would just now be wrapping up his second and final term, and a new generation of Republican choices would be running this year.

But instead, Ryan chose to intentionally block the Trump agenda because he was firmly in the pocket of the big money donors and had virtually no interest in assisting President Trump to put ‘America First.’ Because of RINOs like him, the wall was not finished, and the border remains essentially open and Americans are suffering through high inflation, rampant crime, identity politics and so much more. And now that President Trump is coming back, I look forward to Ryan’s future meltdowns! Ryan is a true snake in the grass. Ryan was the worst speaker in history, by far. At least Pelosi fought for her crazy ideology. RINOs like Ryan are a far bigger threat to this country.

President Trump accomplished more in his one term than most other Presidents did in two. He got nothing but pushback from the RINOs on securing the border and yet still managed to slow the flow of illegals coming across the border to a trickle. He made our country less dependent on foreign crude and succeeded in getting the price of gas down to below two dollars a gallon. And his foreign policy achievements were unparalleled on the world stage. And there were no new wars anywhere. Why, because he “walked softly and carried a big stick.” There’s much more to list, but these come to my mind as being some of the biggest achievements in his first term.

When you look past all the noise, from both the media and both parties, President Trump’s policies were spot on. Prior to Covid, the economy was booming, a border relatively secure and our enemies seemed to be in check. When both parties go after one person, if you’re a reasonable person you have to ask yourself, “What’s going on?” These RINOs are no better than the Democrats, work to advance policies that benefit only themselves and their big donors. President Trump may not be “Person of the Year,” but I’ll take a “convicted felon” over a politician that keeps the boarder open, does not allow us to produce our own energy and sends U.S. jobs overseas.

Ryan sold this country out when he had a chance to make a real and lasting difference for those who live here. He was essentially a ‘Speaker In Name Only,’ he was an abysmal failure and lacked the necessary balls to do what was best for the country. And it was Ryan who purposely allowed Republicans to lose control of the U.S. rather than to assist President Trump in advancing his agenda. That act in itself tells us all we need to know about ‘RINO Ryan.’ And the result was catastrophic, something that Pelosi was quick to pounce on with both feet. All of the stupid impeachments, “investigations” and smears prevented some of Trump’s goals from being reached.

If Ryan had done his job back when the Speakership was entrusted to him, America would be far different place today than it is, without question. And it would be a far better place. But instead, he chose to do his RINO thing. He chose to stand with the Democrats to blockade, in every way possible, President Trump from being able to move forward with his ‘America First’ agenda. And look where we are now. I’m sick and tired of these Democrats disguised as Republicans talking trash about President Trump. The economy doesn’t affect them because they’re all millionaires! I wish we never again had to hear from Paul Ryan, if only he would just quietly fade away.

If anyone should have had better choices for president, it’s the 2012 Republican voters who were stuck with Romney and Ryan. And it’s been since then that both have shown us the kind of men they really are and how it was that they had lied to us back in 2012. And I get sick to my stomach every time I think about how it was that I held my nose and voted for these two RINO pukes. What the Hell was I thinking? Never again!!! If Ryan were being honest he would admit that the charges against President Trump were clearly politically motivated. But no, he would rather support a traitor who hates America and Americans to take the Presidency over a real patriot.

Ryan reminds me of a petulant child, one who insists upon blaming everyone else for the problems that he has caused. After all, if Ryan, and the many other Establishment Republicans had not spent decades continually throwing their own base under the bus, it’s in all likelihood that Donald Trump would have never chosen to run, or at the very least would not have won in the primaries in 2016. The reason the base voted for Donald Trump in 2016 was because he was a big FUCK YOU to the establishment types who they felt had chosen to ignore them. Now, he has a lot of support because he actually did things he had promised to do if elected. What a concept, right?

And finally, on the subject of Haley, regardless of the numbers she was pulling during the primaries against Biden, the moment she got the nomination, the Democrats would have pulled out all of their heavy artillery against her, and like all RINOs, she would be standing there fighting them with a butter knife. And by the time the election came around, she would be down double digits to Joey. It seems that these RINOs simply lack the will to fight the far left. They think it’s flag football, while the left treats it like a back-alley fight to the death. They insist upon bringing a knife to a gun fight. Not President Trump. We need a fighter, and he’s the fighter we need!