I find it rather odd that any of those who continue to be enthusiastic cheerleaders of Joey’s ongoing radical lurch to left would now be saying that Joey must make a course correction if he hopes to avoid a political wipeout come this November. It kinda makes you wonder why they would be saying that now especially when you consider the fact that Joey has been busy fucking things up for over three and a half years. So where, exactly, have these people now calling for that course correction, been living? Under a rock? But since you can never trust Democrats to tell the truth, do they really want a true course correction or are they merely telling us a story?  

So anyway, it was during Wednesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Special Report,” hosted by Trump hater Bret Baier, that Rep. Dean Phillips a Democrat, stated that *president Biden needs “a major course correction, acknowledgment of inflation, the immigration crisis, and real attention to addressing both of those issues,” and “absent that, it’s going to be a wipeout.” Admitting those issues exist would be validation that Joey caused it. So no, they will continue to lie, deceive and malign voters. That’s what Democrats do, it’s what they always do and have done for decades. Only a fool would think the Joey disaster could be salvageable at this point.

Phillips said, “Minnesota’s in play, Bret, just like a lot of states that I think a lot of my fellow Democrats don’t want to confess is the reality. President Trump came awfully close in 2016, didn’t do as well, of course, four years later. But I’m telling my Democratic colleagues who are supporting President Biden, myself included, that there’s a lot of work to do. And Minnesota, Wisconsin are going to be bellwether states. I think a lot of people are going to be staying home. So, I think there’s a lot of competition with the couch.” So despite calling for a course correction, this guy, Phillips, still supports Joey, which makes it pretty obvious that he has no integrity.

And he went on to say, “But, mark my words, we’re going to see a lot of surprises, I think unless there’s a major course correction, acknowledgment of inflation, the immigration crisis, and real attention to addressing both of those issues, absent that, it’s going to be a wipeout.” He added that “the numbers are now reflecting this, but I think many of my colleagues on both sides of the aisle have been feeling this for many, many months, certainly, I have in Minnesota, conversations with center-right, center-left voters in Minnesota are telling me, regularly, that they’re shifting perspectives. And that’s why I ran for president to shake up the Democratic primary.”

He concluded things saying, “That’s why I’ve been encouraging the Biden campaign to really wake up to reality, because if Minnesota is that tight, rest assured, the rest of the country is headed in the same direction.”  I’ve heard this same guy in other interviews. His naïveté is off the charts. Perfect soy boy Democrat. His party has become a Stalinist gangster party, and he is either totally oblivious to that fact or a willing participant in all of the goings on. Joey’s refusal to secure the border and Bidenflation has caused catastrophic pain to the American people. All Joey and ‘The Ho’ have to run on is their incessant desire to slaughter unborn babies.

And so this guy acknowledges that his party is wrong on the economy, wrong on the border, and wrong on so many other things but he intends to keep supporting the party. The definition of insanity. Yet another confirmation that Joey’s main concern is his political aspirations and not America’s success. We already knew that, but Joey is such a waste in every sense. A total self-centered idiot. And by the way, the course correction needed would go against every policy and regulation that Joey has put into place. Where they have doubled and even tripled-down on their America last policies! His fake tariffs on Communist China are nothing more than political theater.

This administration has a proven track record of lying, cheating and corruption on numerous levels and have shown themselves to be extremely untrustworthy in every aspect. There are few people who would actually believe that this administration would keep, or maintain, its word about anything that would actually be beneficial to our citizens as a whole. In fact, most people understand that anything that comes from the mouth of anyone in this administration is completely meaningless and, more often than not, totally false. They have repeatedly demonstrated a total unwillingness to stray from their agenda that has as its primary objective the end of this country.

And as Joey continues to be faced with factual polling and economic data figures, he tells everyone that the polls are wrong and the mathematics used to gage the economic performance are false and incorrect when you can plainly see for yourself that he is lying to you. But if you’re dumb enough to protest in support of murderous terrorists, then you’re probably too dumb to figure out you’re being lied too. And even if Joey were to do a course-correct now, it would only be for purely political reasons and would only be temporary. Because if he were to get re-elected, things would certainly go back to the way they were on day one of his second term.

Prosperity and the “preservation of democracy” is not what many of us will be voting for this election, but rather our ability to survive! We can’t last another four years if the current regime remains in power. Rest assured, there will be no course correction. Those running Joey’s administration think things are going just great. They are finally taking down the United States in a way that no other nation could ever dream of. They are actively transforming it into a communist state right before our eyes. These commies are planning the biggest steal yet come this November. Watch for Joey’s numbers to magically improve to just enough to allow the steal to seem convincing.

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